Sebanyak 59 item atau buku ditemukan

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

catatan kritis atas hak asasi manusia dan institusionalisasi diskriminasi warga negara

Citizenship and civil rights in Indonesia.

Citizenship and civil rights in Indonesia.

Cantik tak harus mahal

rahasia kecantikan wanita segala usia

Agar semangat bisa timbul kembali, rawatlah tubuh usai melahirkan. Perawatan
tubuh pasca melahirkan ditujukan agar tubuh kembali rileks, mengembalikan
kekencangan kulit, sekaligus menurunkan berat badan. Pijat adalah perawatan ...

Sistem komunikasi Indonesia

Modernization of communication system in Indonesia.

Ia akan melibatkan kepentingan bisnis, televisi, artis, dan para pemilik modal.
Masyarakat, sering dirugikan dengan pemberitaan dan suguhan acara di televisi
seperti itu. Meskipun, definisi pornografi masih sangat multiinterpretatif dan
lambat ...

Visual Basic Express Programs

Excel Weekly Options Trading

The Author has been creating Visual Basic Programs for Options Trading while living in Spain starting in 1990. Your Author decided to write this book based on his writing new Options Trading programs using the most up to date Visual Pasic downloaded from the Visual Basic Website & Java. The downloads from Microsoft & Java are free of charge. The first sections explain the steps I had to take to use Visual Basic Express & Java Programming & the Java Platform to supplement the information in the Help section. I will give three examples of possible uses of Visual Basic. One Example is a program that allows you to use my latest Options Trading software for trading OEX Weekly Options which were first introduced in the CBOE on 28 October 2005. I adapted my OEX options trading strategies to use these weekly options. I use the realtime quotes from DTN.IQ & the free delayed quotes from CBOE for the programs. The second section explains how to use Visual Basic Express to prepare a PDF book document ready to submit to BookSurge/CreateSpace, subsidiary of & to Google Books Partner Program. The example can be. easily adapted to fit any POD publisher's format. The third example is totally different: how to win the TransPac Yacht Race from Los Angeles to Honolulu.

Microsoft Visual Studio Express is a set of freeware integrated development
environments (IDE) developed by Microsoft that are lightweight versions of the
Microsoft Visual Studio product line. Integrated Development Environment IDEs
are ...