Sebanyak 71 item atau buku ditemukan

Prediksi Soal-soal UN SMP/MTs 2016

Buku ini merupakan kumpulan soal - soal yang sering keluar pada saat yaitu dari soal hingga pembahasan secara terperinci dan jelas, berguna Nasional merupakan Ujian tahap akhir bagi siswa untuk melanjutkan kejenjang berikutnya dan Ujian akhir bagi siswa yang telah belajar dibangku sekolah. Buku ini disusun untuk membantu siswa-siswi, khususnya pada jenjang SMP/MTs. Tujuannya, agar mereka mahir menyelesaikan soa-soal pada Ujian Nasional yang terdiri atas mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Namun, penulis menyadari pada buku ini masih terdapat kekurangan. Oleh karena itu, segala masukan dari pembaca sangat kami hargai demi berharap buku ini bermanfaat bagi para guru, siswa dan orang tua murid.

Buku ini merupakan kumpulan soal - soal yang sering keluar pada saat yaitu dari soal hingga pembahasan secara terperinci dan jelas, berguna Nasional merupakan Ujian tahap akhir bagi siswa untuk melanjutkan kejenjang berikutnya dan Ujian ...

English for Business Studies in Higher Education Studies

Teacher's book

English for Business Studies in Higher Education Studies The Garnet Education English for Specific Academic Purposes series won the Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union English Language Book Award in 2009. English for Business Studies is a skills-based course designed specifically for students of business who are about to enter English-medium tertiary level studies. It provides carefully graded practice and progressions in the key academic skills that all students need, such as listening to lectures and speaking in seminars. It also equips students with the specialist business language they need to participate successfully within a business studies faculty. Extensive listening exercises come from business studies lectures, and all reading texts are taken from the same field of study. There is also a focus throughout on the key business vocabulary that students will need. The Teacher's Book includes: Comprehensive teaching notes on all exercises to help teachers prepare effective lessons Complete answer keys to all exercises Full transcripts of listening exercises Facsimiles of Course Book pages at the appropriate point in each unit Photocopiable resource pages and ideas for additional activities The Garnet English for Specific Academic Purposes series covers a range of academic subjects. All titles present the same skills and vocabulary points. Teachers can therefore deal with a range of ESAP courses at the same time, knowing that each subject title will focus on the same key skills and follow the same structure. Key Features Systematic approach to developing academic skills through relevant content. Focus on receptive skills (reading and listening) to activate productive skills (writing and speaking) in subject area. Eight-page units combine language and academic skills teaching. Vocabulary and academic skills bank in each unit for reference and revision. Audio CDs for further self-study or homework. Ideal coursework for EAP teachers.

The Teacher's Book includes: Comprehensive teaching notes on all exercises to help teachers prepare effective lessons Complete answer keys to all exercises Full transcripts of listening exercises Facsimiles of Course Book pages at the ...

Global Consumer Behavior

Globalization is a leading force for industry worldwide, especially the new technology sector. This presents both problems and opportunities in the emergence of a new type of consumer and the effects of globalization on industry in terms of culture, economics, marketing, and social issues at every scale from local to global. The main aim of the book is to enhance the reader’s knowledge – especially from a multidisciplinary perspective rather than from an individual functional perspective – of international consumer behaviour. It also explores the role of globalization in the evolving world of the new technology sector and provides an overview of the development of international consumer behavior from historical, geographical and social perspectives, while focusing on new technology products and services. Professionals, students and researchers working in the fields of new technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as specialists of marketing and management are the target audience for this book. At the same time, the book will be pitched at a level so as to also appeal to a more general readership interested in globalization.

Consumer behavior patterns involve problem recognition and decisionmaking
processes, the search for information and alternative evaluation and purchasing
decisions and post-purchasing behavior. Culture is a characteristic feature of
each ...

Data Arsitek Jilid 1

  • ISBN 13 : 9794113077
  • ISBN 10 : 9794113077
  • Judul : Data Arsitek Jilid 1
  • Pengarang : ,   Sunarto Tjahjadi,  
  • Penerbit : Erlangga,
  • Klasifikasi : 720 NEU d
  • Call Number : 720 NEU d SUN d
  • Bahasa : Indonesia
  • Tahun : 2016
  • Halaman : 280
  • Halaman : 280
  • Ketersediaan :
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    (PNJ-002-00004151) Dipinjam sampai 28-10-2017 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Understanding Chinese Society

This new book provides an accessible and wide-ranging introduction to the main features of Chinese society. Drawing on a wealth of material, the author offers a fresh understanding of a unique society that has undergone continuous transformation and upheaval throughout the twentieth century. Understanding Chinese Society looks in all its richness at the society with the largest population on earth. In order to explore long-term change and continuity, the book examines China from pre-revolutionary times to today's rapidly modernising society, although the focus is on recent change. Particular attention is paid to China's cultural traditions and hierarchical relationships in familial and wider social settings, and their fate in the modern world. Successive chapters investigate changes in the relations of rural and urban sectors of society; in the structure of families; in political and economic power; in cultural hegemony, education and the media; and in patterns of social inequality. A final chapter asks whether Chinese society is becoming more complex and differentiated in the course of modernisation and considers recent debates on the growth of civil society and democratisation. This book will be indispensable for anyone studying Chinese society, Asian societies and comparative sociology.

... development in the formerly rural areas of Guangdong Province and of
metropolitan Shanghai and Jiangsu Province. ... The ideas of desakota and
extended metropolis, although originally formulated by economic geographers,
can be ...

Visual Basic 2008 In Simple Steps

This is a book that helps you to learn Visual Basic using Visual Studio 2008. Precision, an easy-to-understanding style, real life examples in support of the concepts, and practical approach in presentation are some of the features that make the book unique in itself. The text in the book is presented in such a way that is equally helpful to beginners as well as professionals.The book covers:· Introduction to .NET Framework and Visual Studio 2008· Fundamentals of Visual Basic 2008 programming language· Working with Windows Forms and common windows controls· Windows Workflow foundation (WF)· Working with database in Visual Basic 2008· Language Integrated Query (LINQ)· Deployment of applications in Visual Basic 2008· Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

The Visual Studio 2008 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) pTovides
development and execution environment for various kinds of applications, such
as console applications, Windows applications, and Web applications. It contains
a ...

Penghimp.Dana&Distr.Hsl Ush Bank Syariah

Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional nomor 14/DSN-MU]/1X/2000 tentang Sistem
Distribusi Hasil Usaha Dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syariah, yaitu fatwa yang
berkaitan dengan cara pencatatan hasil usaha lembaga keuangan syariah diatur

Sister in Sorrow

Life Histories of Female Holocaust Survivors from Hungary

Sister in Sorrow offers a glimpse into the world of Hungarian Holocaust survivors through the stories of fifteen survivors, as told by thirteen women and two spouses presently living in Hungary and Israel. Analyzing the accounts as oral narratives, author Ilana Rosen uses contemporary folklore studies methodologies to explore the histories and the consciousness of the narrators as well as the difficulty for present-day audiences to fully grasp them. Rosen’s research demonstrates not only the extreme personal horrors these women experienced but also the ways they cope with their memories. In four sections, Rosen interprets the life histories according to two major contemporary leading literary approaches: psychoanalysis and phenomenology. This reading encompasses both the life spans of the survivors and specific episodes or personal narratives relating to the women’s identity and history. The psychoanalytic reading examines focal phases in the lives of the women, first in pre-war Europe, then in World War II and the Holocaust, and last as Holocaust survivors living in the shadow of loss and atrocity. The phenomenological examination traces the terms of perception and of the communication between the women and their different present-day non-survivor audiences. An appendix contains the complete life histories of the women, including their unique and affecting remembrances. Although Holocaust memory and narrative have figured at the center of academic, political, and moral debates in recent years, most works look at such stories from a social science perspective and attempt to extend the meaning of individual tales to larger communities. Although Rosen keeps the image of the general group—be it Jews, female Holocaust survivors, Israelis, or Hungarians—in mind throughout this volume, the focus of Sister in Sorrow is the ways the individual women experienced, told, and processed their harrowing experiences. Students of Holocaust studies and women’s studies will be grateful for the specific and personal approach of Sister in Sorrow.

... details, Mrs. Bihari interrupts only once during her hus- band's narrative, when
he goes o√ on one of his many historical tan- gents, and she asserts that he is
talking too much about issues that are not related to his life history. In my analysis

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

Dalam peraturan dunia bisnis saat ini, para manajer di setiap unit kerap berhadapan dengan berbagai permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya manusia, baik berupa perekrutan, optimasi, efisiensi, efektivitas, sampai loyalitas. Dari kacamata tersebut, buku ini berusaha mengupas berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya manusia dengan tujuan memberikan para manajer kemampuan untuk mendiagnosis dan merencanakan untuk kemudian menelurkan solusi aplikatif yang sesuai dengan isu-isu sumber daya manusia yang mereka hadapi. *** Persembahan penerbit Kencana (PrenadaMedia)

Dalam peraturan dunia bisnis saat ini, para manajer di setiap unit kerap berhadapan dengan berbagai permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya manusia, baik berupa perekrutan, optimasi, efisiensi, efektivitas, sampai loyalitas.