Sebanyak 8 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengantar sejarah Indonesia baru, 1500-1900

Dari emporium sampai imperium

History of Indonesia, 1500-1900

History of Indonesia, 1500-1900

Revolusi berhenti hari Minggu

70 tahun Emil Salim

Festschrift in honor of Emil Salim, b. 1930, former State Minister of Population and Environment of Indonesia from 1988 to 1993.

Saya melakukan berbagai pekerjaan konsultansi manajemen yang saya lakukan
secara diam-diam. Pada suatu sore di awal Januari 1995 saya menerima
telepon dari Menteri Sekretaris Negara Moerdiono. Singkatnya, ia memberi tahu
bahwa saya diminta menjadi direktur pelaksana untuk sebuah panitia nasional
yang akan dibentuk guna mengkoordinasikan acara- acara memperingati 50
tahun kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Saya terhenyak. Yang pertama terlintas
di kepala ...

Software Evolution with UML and XML

This title provides a forum where expert insights are presented on the subject of linking three current phenomena: software evolution, UML and XML.

This title provides a forum where expert insights are presented on the subject of linking three current phenomena: software evolution, UML and XML.

Total Quality Project Management for the Design Firm

How to Improve Quality, Increase Sales, and Reduce Costs

Staying Small Successfully A Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals Frank A. Stasiowski Today′s design professional with entrepreneurial ambitions often has in mind a small firm. Written by a veteran architect and consultant, here is a clear, detailed road map to setting up a small business or guiding an existing one to success. Using miniprofiles of several small successful design firms, the author pinpoints exactly what′s made them flourish. In a step–by–step format, he describes the six elements of the strategic planning process, tips on doubling average profit levels, building a loyal clientele, making your company a magnet for top talent, as well as measuring the financial health of your firm. This all–in–one seminar includes numerous checklists and flowcharts, a list of design firm management consultants, a typical marketing plan, and a survey of typical marketing costs. 1991 (0–471–50652–4) 297 pp. Value Pricing for the Design Firm Frank A. Stasiowski Essential to the design firm negotiating tough economic times, here is a handbook to garnering the most effective price for your services. Making the traditional cost–per–hour approach obsolete, the book teaches you how to price services based on their value to your client. Full of tactics that can be applied immediately, the book outlines the different methods of value pricing, ways to create value, a format for charging minimum fees, and a formula for price contracts. Other practical pricing tips include mini–scoping your services, charging for reimbursables, pricing change orders, as well as advice on negotiating a better contract. Complete with sample forms and lists, the book is a practical, easy–to–implement recession survival kit for the design firm. 1993 (0–471–57933–5) 240 pp. Cash Management for the Design Firm Frank A. Stasiowski While excellence in design and engineering may generate clients, monitoring and planning the movement of cash is central to a company′s survival. This practical guide outlines a det!ailed cash management plan that makes continued financial health possible even during lean economic times. Using a clear, easy–to–implement approach, the book describes: cash management techniques, project budgeting, profitable project pricing structures, controlling project and overhead costs, getting paid, and planning and monitoring performance. The book also includes valuable advice on negotiating a contract, the most profitable contract types, the purchasing process, acquiring capital equipment, and internal financial controls. Numerous checklists and exercises as well as sample reports and financial documents are included. 1993 (0–471–59711–2) 324 pp.

How to Improve Quality, Increase Sales, and Reduce Costs Frank A. Stasiowski,
David Burstein ... This chapter describes how Total Quality Project Management (
TQPM) difiers from traditional ways of thinking about quality in design firms and ...

Saudagar - Saudagar Utang

An Imam in Paris

account of a stay in France by an Egyptian cleric (1826-1831)

This is an annotated translation of al-Tahtawi’s Takhlis al-Ibriz fi Talkhis Bariz, the first translation of an in-depth Arabic account of a visit to Western Europe by a Muslim from the Near East. In addition to its historical and literary value, the book offers invaluable insight into misconceptions about the continent and the ‘other’, and the disorientation that follows a descent into a new world. Its ideas and notions are as vibrant and palpable as they were over 150 years ago. This is an annotated translation of al-Tahtawi’s Takhlis al-Ibriz fi Talkhis Bariz, the first translation of an in-depth Arabic account of a visit to Western Europe by a Muslim from the Near East. In addition to its historical and literary value, the book offers invaluable insight into misconceptions about the continent and the ‘other’, and the disorientation that follows a descent into a new world. Its ideas and notions are as vibrant and palpable as they were over 150 years ago.

This is an annotated translation of al-Tahtawi’s Takhlis al-Ibriz fi Talkhis Bariz, the first translation of an in-depth Arabic account of a visit to Western Europe by a Muslim from the Near East.

Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book

A guide to Flash Professional CS6 offers ten lessons covering such topics as creating and editing symbols, adding animation, creating interactive navigation, working with sound and video, and publishing Flash documents.

A guide to Flash Professional CS6 offers ten lessons covering such topics as creating and editing symbols, adding animation, creating interactive navigation, working with sound and video, and publishing Flash documents.

Why men don't listen and women can't read maps

mengungkap perbedaan pikiran pria dan wanita a agar sukses membina hubungan

Masculinity- Femininity, New York: Oxford University Press (1987) Reinisch, J.M.
et al. (eds.), Masculinity and Femininity, The Kinsey Institute Series, Oxford
University Press (1987) Reinisch, Paul, Couplehood, New York: Bantam (1994)
Rice, ...