Sebanyak 5 item atau buku ditemukan

Compilation of Correspondence and Statistical Data from the Records and Files of the Department of the Interior in Relation to Coal Lands in the Indian Territory

The Acreage and Approximate Value Thereof, the Thickness of the Various Veins of Coal, Etc. March 27, 1906, to June 30, 1906

12,647 10,128 4,360 - 14,488 18 Folsom,Morris Coal Mining Co., The .......... . .
34,362 4. 727 3,122 7.849 $3 }Gr8l1l Western C00.l and Coke C0., The ........ ..
196. 978 97,579 106.668 . 204,247 21 I1aile.v,W. E ...

Practical English Business Correspondence

Cara penulisan tanggal dalam dunia korespondensi dapat dibagi menjadi dua
macam, yakni (a) business correspondence style dan (b) military
correspondence style. Cara penulisan singkatan tanggal dengan menggunakan
bilangan ordinal ...