Sebanyak 6 item atau buku ditemukan

Total Quality Management in Higher Education

Symbolism or Substance? A Close Look at the Nigerian University System

If you want to improve quality, save money and provide better services to your customers, this book is for you.

means continually meeting the needs of employer-established quality criteria.
Student input should be considered secondary to the needs of the profession.41
Pressured by dwindling enrollments and budget worries, a small but growing ...

Total Quality Management in Higher Education

Is it Working? why Or why Not?

Not a guide to implementing total-quality management in education, but an assessment and evaluation of whether existing institutional efforts are providing the same degree of benefits and potential as in other domains. Some contributors consider individual cases, describing the efforts, evaluating t

the industrial and manufacturing culture ... which is conducive to the adaptation of
the quality principles of Edward Deming and other quality management gurus, ...