Sebanyak 4 item atau buku ditemukan

Design and Fabrication of Umbrella Swing Stand

The device for removing water drops from an umbrella is constituted such that a number of water absorption members with elastic property are disposed at certain intervals radially in the inserting opening for an umbrella of the device body. The inserting space for the umbrella is in the central part of a number of absorption members, thereby a closed rainy umbrella is inserted into the inserting space. The umbrella cloth is inserted into clearance between the each adjacent water absorption member, and then water drops on the umbrella cloth can be absorbed and removed by sliding the inserted umbrella in the direction of insertion of the umbrella. The device does not need such energy as electric energy and water absorption is performed certainly and within only short time.

The device for removing water drops from an umbrella is constituted such that a number of water absorption members with elastic property are disposed at certain intervals radially in the inserting opening for an umbrella of the device body.

Perlindungan desain industri di Indonesia dalam era perdagangan bebas

Legal protection on industrial design in Indonesia towards free trade era.

31 Tahun 2000. Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 26 ayat (1) UU No. 31 Tahun 2000
, setiap pihak sejak tanggal dimulainya pengumuman dapat mengajukan
keberatan tertulis yang mencakup hal-hal yang bersifat substantif kepada
Direktorat Jenderal dengan membayar biaya. Pengajuan keberatan tersebut
harus sudah diterima oleh Direktorat Jenderal selambat-lambatnya tiga bulan
terhitung sejak tanggal dimulainya pengumuman [Pasal 26 ayat (2) UU No. 31
Tahun 2000].