Sebanyak 7 item atau buku ditemukan

Proceedings of First Joint International Pre-Olympic Conference of Sports Science and Sports Engineering: Computer science in sports

ISBN 978-1-84626-031-5 Proceedings of 1st Joint International Pre-Olympic
Conference of Sports Science & Sports Engineering Volume I: Computer Science
in Sports Nanjing, P. R. China, August. 5-7, 2008, pp. 023-027 Design of a
Software for a Novel Inertial Data Logger to Measure High Kinematic Parameters
of Soccer Instep Kick Abbas Meamarbashi1, +, Ernest T. Larmie 2, Mohamed
Rusli Abdullah 2 and Reza Attarzadeh 3 ' University of Mohaghegh Ardabili,
Ardabil, Iran 2 ...


sumber daya, inovasi, tenaga listrik, dan potensi ekonomi

Resources, mechanics, etc. of power in Indonesia.

Resources, mechanics, etc. of power in Indonesia.

Konferensi Nasional Transportasi dan Geoteknik Dalam Rekayasa Teknik Sipil


National conference on transportation and geotechnical engineering in civil engineering.

National conference on transportation and geotechnical engineering in civil engineering.

The Principles of Mechanics

Designed for the Use of Students in the University

When two bodies sustain each other, the pressures in opposite directions must
be equal, otherwise motion would ensue ; and if motion be produced by the
excess of pressure on one side, the case coincides with that of impact*. When
one ...