Sebanyak 315 item atau buku ditemukan

The Santa Fe Trail Activity Book

Pioneer Settlers in the Southwest

Uses games, puzzles, word searches and other activities to help children learn about the history of the Santa Fe Trail.

Uses games, puzzles, word searches and other activities to help children learn about the history of the Santa Fe Trail.

Studi tentang perilaku ekonomi keluarga nelayan miskin dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup di Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah

laporan penelitian

Perlu usaha atau aturan yang menjurus pada pemerataan pendapatan antara
buruh nelayan dan nahkoda atau pemilik kapal, terutama untuk kapal sedang
dan besar. (Jurusan Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi. Universitas Sebelas Maret:

Marketing Management

Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control

Best-seller world-wide, the eighth edition of this classic text highlights the most recent trends and developments in global marketing. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork between marketing and all the other functions of the business; introduces new perspectives in successful strategic market planning; and presents additional company examples of creative, market- focused, and customer-driven action. Kotler underscores the importance of computers, telecommunications, and other new technologies in improving marketing planning, and performance.

Best-seller world-wide, the eighth edition of this classic text highlights the most recent trends and developments in global marketing.