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Informasi Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 25 tahun 2000 Tentang Program Pembangunan Nasional (Propenas) Tahun 2000-2004

Indonesian law on national development program for the year 2000 through 2004.

INDONESIA, Menimbang : a. bahwa Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
Republik Indonesia Nomor IV/MPR/ 1999 tentang Garis-garis Besar Haluan
Negara Tahun 1999-2004 mengamanatkan dalam pelaksanaannya dituangkan
dalam Program ...

Kamus basa Jawa

Dictionary of Javanese language.

Sarjana Bahasa Fakultas Sastra UGM tahun 1983, lulus program magister pada
bidang llmu Humaniora Pascasarjana UGM tahun 1993. Pengalaman bekerja
sebagai staf Bidang Perkamusan Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa
Jakarta (1985-1987). Sejak tahun 1987 hingga sekarang sebagai staf Subbidang
Perkamusan di Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta. Sebagai peneliti bahasa telah menulis
beberapa karya ilmiah, antara lain ( l ) Struktur Kalimat Majemuk dalam Bahasa ...

Panduan wisata geologi Bandung Utara

Tourist guide to the geology of Bandung Utara, Jawa Barat Province.

... Melange Bantimala, Sulawesi Selatan; Field Trip Proyek Panas Bumi Patuha,
Jawa Barat; Field Trip Pengamatan Aktivitas G. Merapi, Jawa Tengah; Field Trip
Proyek Panas Bumi G. Salak, Jawa Barat; serta Field Trip Unit Penambangan
Emas Pongkor, Jawa Barat. Karya tulis yang pernah dibuatnya selain buku
Panduan wisata geologi ini adalah Geologi dan Studi Ubahan Hidrotermal
Daerah Batu Pangah, Kec. Likupang, Kab. Minahasa, Prop. Sulawesi Utara (
skripsi); Geowisata, ...


The Strangest Thing

'...general readers will find much that is both interesting and intriguing in this highly readable book'.' -THES'Highly recommended.' -Leonardo Digital Reviews

For all these reasons, this is quite a book.'

Keokuk and the Great Dam

This remarkable pictorial history tells the story of an engineering marvel: the first dam built across the Mississippi River (from 1910–1913), and the historic Midwestern community that fostered the world-famous hydroelectric project. Keokuk and the Great Dam is the story of a colorful and historic river town with a dream of economic development and cultural progress; a self-taught engineer who took on a challenge that no one else wanted to attempt; and a massive construction effort that pitted men and machines against the awesome power of America’s greatest river. Completed shortly before WWI, the Keokuk dam (now known as Lock and Dam No. 19) was the culmination of a long struggle to employ the Mississippi River for hydroelectric power and to improve navigation on the great waterway. In frontier days the Des Moines Rapids, stretching north from Keokuk, prevented loaded steamboats from moving upriver. They also created a business opportunity for local residents. A rapidly growing town by the 1850s, Keokuk went into decline for many years when it failed to secure adequate railroad connections. But the coming of hydroelectric power fostered a new dream, and local leaders set out to harness the great river. What followed was a dramatic effort that drew international attention, produced the world’s second largest dam (at the time), and forever changed both the community and the fabled American waterway.

Keokuk and the Great Dam is the story of a colorful and historic river town with a dream of economic development and cultural progress; a self-taught engineer who took on a challenge that no one else wanted to attempt; and a massive ...

Redshift Rendezvous

The murder of a passenger aboard the hyperspace liner Redshift leads to a crisis in which a desperate group of people tries to use the spacecraft for evil purposes - with first officer Jason Kraft the only person in their way.

The murder of a passenger aboard the hyperspace liner Redshift leads to a crisis in which a desperate group of people tries to use the spacecraft for evil purposes - with first officer Jason Kraft the only person in their way.

Just XML

Discover how much you can do with just XML--fast! Building a sophisticated web site doesn't require a Ph.D. in computer science, just the right tools for the job--and no tool offers you more power than XML. Best of all, it's a lot easier to get results with XML than you think! In "Just XML, Second Edition," John E. Simpson shares the simple secrets behind XML, showing how to add meaning and functionality to your web site--without complicated code, compilers, or development kits. Simpson walks you step-by-step through all the basics of creating and maintaining your own customizable XML applications, including: XML basics: all you need to get started-fast! Smarter XML document hyperlinking with XLink and XPointer CSS and XSLT: displaying and restructuring XML documents for maximum impact Rolling your own: building custom XML solutions for virtually any problem Updated tips on compatibility with the latest browser versions New appendix, "The FlixML Files," including a complete sample DTD, XML documents, and CSS and XSLT stylesheets Today's best XML tools--and what's in store for the future Drawing on everyday examples from daily newspapers to 1950's "B" movies, "Just XML, Second Edition" gets you rolling with XML faster than you ever thought possible! Sure, you'll learn the theory you need along the way, but most important, you'll be using XML from the very beginning. Before you waste time and money learning more complicated approaches to Web development, discover how much you can do with "Just XML"!

Annotation "Drawing on everyday examples from daily newspapers to 1950's "B" movies, Just XML, Second Edition gets you rolling with XML faster than you ever thought possible!

Jains in the World

Religious Values and Ideology in India

"There is no doubt that the wealth of new data and ideas offered in this exquisite book provides the deepest insights yet into the contemporary religious world of Jain laity. It will serve for some time as a paradigmatic monograph for future empirical studies of Jain religious life." --Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies "Jains in the World is a significant and welcome ethnography of contemporary Jains in western India by the most prominent scholar of Jainism in North America. This book is a must for scholars of South Asian religions and will provide scholars of Hindu traditions fine grounding both in a central dialectic of Jain thought and in contemporary Jain praxis." --International Journal of Hindu Studies "A valuable addition to the literature on Jainism as a living faith. Since it has the additional merits of being clearly written, attractively illustrated, and free of unnecessary theoretical baggage, it should serve as a good introduction to this tradition for college students." --Journal of the American Oriental Society "A must-read for understanding, by and large, the ritual world of the Jains. He has succeeded in proving that the concept of well-being is as central to the Jains' moral universe as their more entrenched pursuit of the goal of liberation of soul from karmic bondage."--History of Religions "An essential read for students and scholars of Jainism. . . . it identifies and defines a realm of value in Jainism strongly alluded to by recent scholarship, but which, until now, had not been explicitly stated. For this reason Jains in the World will doubtless prove to be a fundamental turning point in the development of Jaina studies."-- The Journal of Religion This book presents a detailed fieldwork-based study of the ancient Indian religion of Jainism. Drawing on field research in northern Gujarat and on the study of both ancient Sanskrit and Prakrit and modern vernacular Jain religious literature, John Cort provides a rounded portrait of the religion as it is practiced today.

This book is a must for scholars of South Asian religions and will provide scholars of Hindu traditions fine grounding both in a central dialectic of Jain thought and in contemporary Jain praxis.