Sebanyak 72 item atau buku ditemukan

Warna-warni budaya dalam ber-arsitektur

Paradoks Antara Kehidupan Modern dan Tradisional Di lndonesia lndonesia
merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki banyak sekali suku, agama, dan
ras yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Sebagai sebuah negara
berkembang, lndonesia telah memasuki peradaban modern dan mulai bersaing
secara global dengan negara-negara lain. lnfrastruktur kota yang kompleks dan
perilaku masyarakat yang sudah berorientasi kepada teknologi dapat menjadi
penanda ...

Petani, usaha kecil, dan koperasi berwawasan ekonomi kerakyatan

On economic policy and conditions in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir; papers.

On economic policy and conditions in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir; papers.

Data mining in action

case studies of enrollment management

This volume introduces data mining through case studies of enrollment management. Six case studies employed data mining for solving real-life issues in enrollment yield, retention, transfer-outs, utilization of advanced-placement scores, and predicting graduation rates, among others. The authors furnish a tangible sense of data mining at work. The volume also demonstrates that data mining bears great potential to enhance institutional research. The opening chapter deciphers the similarities and differences between data mining and statistics, debunks the myths surrounding both data mining and traditional statistics, and points out the intrinsic conflict between statistical inference and the emerging need for individual pattern recognition and resulting customized treatment of students - the so-called new reality in applied institutional research. This is the 131st volume of New Directions for Institutional Research, a quarterly journal published by Jossey-Bass. Click here to see the entire list of titles for New Directions for Institutional Research.

This volume introduces data mining through case studies of enrollment management.

Innovative Applications in Data Mining

Data mining consists of attempting to discover novel and useful knowledge from data, trying to find patterns among datasets that can help in intelligent decision making. However, reports of real-world case studies are not generally detailed in the literature, due to the fact that they are usually based on proprietary datasets, making it impossible to publish the results. This kind of situation makes hard to evaluate, in a precise way, the degree of effectiveness of data mining techniques in real-world applications. On the other hand, researchers of this field of expertise usually exploit public-domain datasets. This volume offers a wide spectrum of research work developed for data mining for real-world application. In the following, we give a brief introduction of the chapters that are included in this book.

This volume offers a wide spectrum of research work developed for data mining for real-world application. In the following, we give a brief introduction of the chapters that are included in this book.