Sebanyak 96 item atau buku ditemukan

Creating Tomorrow

Planning, developing and sustaining change in education and other public services

This book is about workforce modernisation and cultural change. In the last few years, remodelling has been taking place in UK schools and in local authorities, children's centres, and locally based agencies and services that support young people. Some of these organisations have worked through the remodelling process but others need to and would benefit from doing so. The book will be of benefit to all as its primary focus is on sustainable change rather than simply getting started. Work has recently begun on remodelling in the Further Education sector.

The remodelling change management process could not have become the
powerful force for positive change it is today without the expertise, dedication and
sheer determination of a very large group of people. And without all their hard
work, and the phenomenal success of remodelling, this book would not have
come into being. This is why I want to start off by saying a huge and heartfelt
thank you to all the thousands of individuals in schools and other public sector
organizations who ...

Revolusi jilbab

kasus pelarangan jilbab di SMA negeri se-Jabotabek, 1982-1991

Prohibited cases of clothing and dress of Muslim women in government high schools in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi, 1982-1991.

Mereka memperbolehkan jilbab di sekolah, tetapi tidak di kelas. Aku dan kakak-
kakak kelas sebelumnya melakukan bongkar-pasang. Kami di kelas pagi tetap
dipermasalahkan, hal ini berbeda dengan kelas sore yang relatif aman-aman
saja dan belajar dengan tenang. Pada masaku, kelas pagi dan kelas sore
menjadi satu manajemen dan tentu satu kebijakan. Jumlah jilbaber terlihat
semakin banyak. Sekolah mengeluarkan peraturan untuk menekan jumlah
dengan mengharuskan ...

Data Mining - Methoden in der Simulation

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Informatik - Wirtschaftsinformatik, Note: 1,0, Universität Rostock (Institut für Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Modellierung und Simulation), 100 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Principles and methods of data mining are a widespread area, i.e. retail dealer use data mining tools to analyze the behavior of customers, computer hardware supplier use data mining to optimize their inventory. There are multiple possibilities of using data mining techniques, even in technical and scientific areas of applications. In regard of manyfold fields of application, there are no less than the number of techniques and methods for Data Mining in existence. Another field to apply Data Mining technique is the domain of simulation. Simulation is the computer-based approach of executing and experimenting of and with models. One aim of this thesis is to analyze data mining tools to see how capable they are solving data mining duties with respect to data calculated by simulation. Different data mining tools are analyzed, commercial tools like SPSS and SPSS Clementine as well as established and freely available tools like WEKA and the R-Project. These tools are analyzed in matters of their data mining functionalities, options to access different data sources, and their complexity of different data mining algorithms. Beyond the analysis of data mining tools with respect to functionality and simulation, envi-ronments for modeling and simulation are analyzed with respect to their possibilities of the utilization for data mining. These environments are the commercial tools Arena and Any-Logic and the freely available SeSam-Project. The effect of all processes of analyzing is a ranking of commonly used data mining tech-niques and concepts. The second part of the thesis occupies with the problem, which data mining method or technique is useful to analyze data provided by a simulation process. It also concerns in which way a method is suitable for the validation of a certain model. In the long run of this thesis the chosen data mining technique is applied to data generated by a simulation process of diffusion and reaction of substances.

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Informatik - Wirtschaftsinformatik, Note: 1,0, Universität Rostock (Institut für Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Modellierung und Simulation), 100 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: ...

UML Software Design with Visual Studio 2010

What You Need to Know, and No More!

Having flirted with the Unified Modeling Language for over a decade, in the 'Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition' Microsoft has integrated UML visual modeling features directly in the IDE - making it a truly Integrated Development Environment. This book explores the new UML capabilities both from the analyst's top-down conceptual modeling perspective and from the developer's code-centric visualisation perspective. Those of you for whom the 'Ultimate Edition' is just out of reach will discover how you can benefit from the legacy Visio UML integration and the architectural modeling capabilities of the other Visual Studio 2010 editions. You can find additional resources on the companion web site for this book at

This book explores the new UML capabilities both from the analyst's top-down conceptual modeling perspective and from the developer's code-centric visualisation perspective.

Indikator kinerja makro pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan

Performance indicator of marine and fisheries development in Indonesia.

Selanjutnya dikemukakan pula bahwa acuan berikutnya adalah konsep
pembangunan berkelanjutan. Menurut WCED (1987) dalam Garcia et al (2000),
pembangunan berkelanjutan secara sederhana memiliki definisi "pembangunan
yang ...

Journey Through the World of Spirit

God, Gaia, and Guardian Angels

David Oakford's story is true, real, and utterly profound. Although street drugs were clearly the initial for this NDE, what happened next was a full-blown ascended state of consciousness that is well-documented in the spiritual and scientific literature. This book is once again revealing that NDE's are not magic, nor do they produce saints. And we can think David for baring his soul as to the psychic struggles and the depression that followed his awakening. Because ultimately there emerged a transformed man who knew, positively knew, that there is more to life and death than we are taught in our religious organizations, and more to God's greater plan for us than we can imagine today.

This book is once again revealing that NDE's are not magic, nor do they produce saints. And we can think David for baring his soul as to the psychic struggles and the depression that followed his awakening.