Sebanyak 128 item atau buku ditemukan

The Economics of Housing Markets

A state of the art overview of theoretical and empirical aspects of housing market research.

To determine the impact of such restrictions one would have to calculate the
amounts of factors actually used under the restrictions as compared to input
combinations without such restrictions. Doing so would be relatively easy if one
knew the ...

The Encyclopedia of Candlemaking Techniques

Explains techniques such as carving, dipping, molding, rolling, and twisting, and shows how to embellish candles with applique, decoupage, embossing, gold leaf, and marbling

Explains techniques such as carving, dipping, molding, rolling, and twisting, and shows how to embellish candles with applique, decoupage, embossing, gold leaf, and marbling

The Gaia Book of Organic Gardening

A comprehensive guide to organic gardening features proven advince on a wide range of subjects, including crop rotation, biodiversity, "green manure," predators, seasonal planting, and much, much more. Original.

A comprehensive guide to organic gardening features proven advince on a wide range of subjects, including crop rotation, biodiversity, "green manure," predators, seasonal planting, and much, much more. Original.

Pengantar Manajemen Keuangan

Diandra Kreatif

Dalam membuat setiap keputusan keuangan harus dipertimbangkan trade off antara resiko dan keuntungan yang terikat pada setiap keputusan dan mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan ( Value of the firm ). Resiko dan profitabilitas ditentukan oleh skala perusahaan, jenis peralatan operasional, proporsi hutang dengan sumber pembiayaan, posisi likuiditas, dll. Resiko tinggi maka keuntungan juga tinggi atau sebaliknya. Buku ini menguraikan perihal manajemen keuangan secara singkat dari berbagai penyelesaian contoh kasus keuangan tidak hanya di Indonesia, namun juga di India dan amerika serikat. Penulis berharap agar kehadiran buku ini dapat menjadi literatur mata kuliah manajemen keuangan di perguruan tinggi, serta dapat digunakan oleh para pembaca secara luas yang ingin mempelajari manajemen keuangan perusahaan.

Dalam membuat setiap keputusan keuangan harus dipertimbangkan trade off antara resiko dan keuntungan yang terikat pada setiap keputusan dan mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan ( Value of the firm ).

Introduction to AutoCAD 2005

Introduction to AutoCAD 2005 is an ideal book for new and existing users of AutoCAD who wish to use the software in a professional manner.

Introduction to AutoCAD 2005 is an ideal book for new and existing users of AutoCAD who wish to use the software in a professional manner.