Sebanyak 85 item atau buku ditemukan

The Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1983

Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, First Session, on S. 1201 ... May 19, 1983

... became prohibitively expensive, logic simulation with discrete Boolean values
became the dominant software verification tool. ... Exhaustive tests based on the
inputoutput specifications of the circuit require an astronomical amount of time
even for moderately large LC'S. ... STATE or THE ART The status of VLSI design
automation is particularly difficult to assess because so much of it is carried on ...

Penerima Hadiah Nobel Ekonomi

Tokoh Dan Lembaga Penerima Hadiah Nobel Ekonomi

Penghargaan Bank Swedia dalam Ilmu Ekonomi (En: Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences;Swe dan Nor: Nobelpriset i ekonomi), sering disebut Penghargaan Nobel bidang Ekonomi, berbeda dengan penghargaan nobel lainnya, karena sebenarnya hal ini bukan bagian dari wasiat Alfred Nobel. Penghargaan ini diselenggarakan oleh Bank Swedia (Sveriges Riksbank) pada ulang tahun ke-300 pada 1969. Anggota keluarga Nobel memprotes penggunaan istilah "Penghargaan Nobel di bidang Ekonomi" dalam konteks apapun. Meskipun demikian, dalam konteks Penghargaan Nobel, sering disebut hanya sebagai "Penghargaan di bidang Ekonomi".

... 1970: Presiden American Economic Association; 1970: Anggota
korespondensi British Academy; 1974: Komisi AS-Uni Soviet pada Ilmu Sosial
dan Kemanusiaan dari Dewan Penelitian dan PerlJJkaran Internasional; 1975:
Komite Amerika ...

Rencana kinerja Direktorat Jenderal Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah, tahun 2010

The 2010 work plan of Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Republic of Indonesia.

A Strategic Approach to the Environmentally Sustainable Business

The Essence of the Dissertation

The global environmental crises motivated many companies to investigate and develop the concept of environmentally sustainable business. The objective of traditional business strategy is to maximize profit but, with real imagination and a fresh approach to business strategies, environmental sustainability can actually increase both annual profit and long term shareholder value. This article analyzes several examples of such strategies, not only for companies operating in a capitalist economy, but also for companies based in countries that retain a traditional economy. These strategies are illustrated by matrices that show when to apply which strategies.

The global environmental crises motivated many companies to investigate and develop the concept of environmentally sustainable business.