Sebanyak 63 item atau buku ditemukan

Ekonomi Moneter

Buku ini ditujukan untuk Mahasiswa sebagai bahan pembelajaran agar dapat mencapai kompetensi mata kuliah yang diikutinya. Dalam buku ini dibahas mengenai Ekonomi moneter dan perbankan; Peranan uang dalam ekonomi; Bank; Peranan lembaga-lembaga keuangan; Bank central; Teori permintaan uang pemikiran klasik dan Post Keynes; Teori penawaran uang; Teori permintaan uang pemikiran Post Keynes; Jumlah uang beredar; Teori suku bunga; Valuta asing; Pengertian neraca pembayaran; Ukuran-ukuran neraca pembayaran

Dalam buku ini dibahas mengenai Ekonomi moneter dan perbankan; Peranan uang dalam ekonomi; Bank; Peranan lembaga-lembaga keuangan; Bank central; Teori permintaan uang pemikiran klasik dan Post Keynes; Teori penawaran uang; Teori permintaan ...

The Moon and Madness

Lunacy, the legendary notion of minds unhinged by the moon, continues to captivate the popular imagination. Although it violates the assumptions of modern science and psychiatry, such belief remains common among mental health workers. Furthermore, several studies have found a small, unexplained correlation between behaviour and the lunar cycle. The book is divided into two parts. It begins with a historical account of the lunacy concept, followed by an investigation of hypothetical mechanisms for a lunar effect.

For imprisoning the Hundred-Handed and Cyclopes in the body of Gaia, Ouranos
was castrated by Kronos, his eldest son. Kronos ruled in the ... As punishment for
helping Kronos, Atlas was forced to carry Earth on his back. Zeus created ...

The Oxford Union Guide to Speaking in Public

Dr Dominic Hughes and Benedict Phillips, one of the Oxford Union's most successful debating pairsm give tips and advice for whatever type of speech you have been called upon to give - from the wedding address to the boardroom presentation. The Oxford Union Guide to Speaking in Public is your definitive and indispensable guide.

The Oxford Union Guide to Speaking in Public is your definitive and indispensable guide.

Islam and the Secular State in Indonesia

"This is an excellent book which will have a major impact on the current debate about the relationship between Islam and politics in Indonesia. Its greatest strength is its innovative characterization of three Indonesian Muslim models of polity, as opposed to the normal two, Islamic state and secular state. Assyaukanie brilliantly delineates a third model, which he calls the Religious Democratic State, in the process greatly clarifying our understanding of the previous models, which he now proposes to label the Islamic Democratic State and the Liberal Democratic State. Another strength of the book is methodological. Each of its arguments is solidly grounded in the thoughts and actions of particular players, Indonesian Muslim thinkers and activists." - Professor William R. Liddle, The Ohio State University, USA

This decision was known as the Presidential Decision 6/2000 (Keppres No. 6
Tahun 2000). “Imlek Akan Dirayakan secara Terbuka”, Kompas, 14 January 2002
. Abdurrahman Wahid, “Paham Konghucu dan Agama”, Duta Masyarakat, ...

Microbial Food Safety

An Introduction

In this book, some of the most qualified scientists review different food safety topics, ranging from emerging and reemerging foodborne pathogens, food regulations in the USA, food risk analysis and the most important foodborne pathogens based on food commodities. This book provides the reader with the necessary knowledge to understand some of the complexities of food safety. However, anybody with basic knowledge in microbiology will find in this book additional information related to a variety of food safety topics.

In this book, some of the most qualified scientists review different food safety topics, ranging from emerging and reemerging foodborne pathogens, food regulations in the USA, food risk analysis and the most important foodborne pathogens ...

Metodologi Riset di Bidang IT (Panduan Praktis, Teori dan Contoh Kasus)