Sebanyak 103 item atau buku ditemukan

I'm Motivator: Kisah Inspiratif Motivator Indonesia

Apa rahasia untuk menjadi motivator? Sang master, Ongky Hojanto, dan mereka yang telah membuktikan ilmu coaching-nya akan berbagi secara blakblakan dalam buku ini. Kita akan tahu apa saja kemampuan yang harus kita miliki, trik-trik dalam meningkatkan karier, dan cara berbagi ilmu kepada sesama. “Dalam kondisi apa pun, jika seseorang mau berjuang, mau maju, dan mau berusaha, serta memiliki motivasi, sukses adalah haknya dan dia layak disebut motivator.” —Andrie Wongso Motivator No. 1 di Indonesia

Inspiratif. Indonesia. Apa rahasia untuk menjadi motivator? Sang master, Ongky
Hojanto, dan mereka yang telah membuktikan ilmu coaching-nya akan berbagi
secara blakblakan dalam buku ini. Kita akan tahu apa saja kemampuan yang
harus kita miliki, trik-trik dalam meningkatkan karier, dan cara berbagi ilmu
kepada sesama. “Dalam kondisi apa pun, jika seseorang mau berjuang, mau
maju, dan mau berusaha, serta memiliki motivasi, sukses adalah haknya dan dia
layak disebut ...

The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives

For the Extraordinarily Literate

Adjectives have long suffered from bad press. For many years, English teachers have been fond of telling students that "adjectives are the enemy of nouns, and adverbs are the enemy of everything else." While it's still advisable to heed your English teacher's advice on most other matters, The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives for the Extraordinarily Literate proves that breaking certain rules can make written and spoken language that much livelier, adding much-needed color, style, and adornment. With this addition to the popular Highly Selective series, the "golden" adjective, at last, gets the star treatment it deserves. From adventitious to zaftig, renowned lexicographer Eugene Ehrlich has collected more than 850 of the most interesting and engaging adjectives in the English language and has provided concise definitions and instructive usage examples. Whether you're a writer, a speaker, or a word buff, this compendious, trenchant, laudable, and all-around fantabulous volume will help you put panache back into your prose.

" While it's still advisable to heed your English teacher's advice on most other matters, The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives for the Extraordinarily Literate proves that breaking certain rules can make written and spoken ...

The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems

Presents strategies for application development, interface design, and enabling Web-based access. * Includes numerous case studies and examples from the private and public sectors. * Provides information on integrating legacy MIS systems and planning for future developments in database design.

This hands-on guide offers in-depth, up-to-date material on issues of spatial data when designing and implementing enterprise GIS, along with insightful, illustrative examples.

Pengantar panduan konservasi bangunan bersejarah masa kolonial

Conservation of architectural heritage buildings in Indonesia.

Conservation of architectural heritage buildings in Indonesia.

Bisnis, Eknomi, Asuransi, dan Keangan

mempelajari Bab 3 Implementasi Akuntansi Asuransi Syariah mahasiswa
diharapkan dapat mengetahui dan memahami, seperti berikut. Bagaimana
implementasi konsep pengakuan dan pengukuran dalam akuntansi asuransi
syafiah. Penerapan berbagai akad (perjanjian) dalam berbagai transaksi
asuransi syariah terhadap sistem pencatatan keuangan. Pelaksanaan
penerapan sistem mudahrabah ...