Sebanyak 26 item atau buku ditemukan

ISLAM-Die Religion der Menschheit

Dieses kleine Buch von Maulana Muhammad Ali, dem berühmten Übersetzer des Heiligen Korans, ist vielleicht eine der besten kurzen Präsentationen der Religion des Islam. Auf seinen fünfunddreißig Seiten gibt Maulana Muhammad Ali eine prägnante und dennoch umfassende Darstellung des Islam. Themen, die in dem Büchlein erörtert werden, sind unter anderen die Bedeutung des Namen Islam sowie einige seiner charakteristischen Merkmale, wie der Glaube an alle Propheten, die Einheit der Menschheit und den gemeinsamen Ursprung aller von Gott offenbarten Religionen. Der Autor liefert einen knappen, aber gründlichen Bericht der grundlegenden Prinzipien des Islam, wie zum Beispiel das Konzept des Göttlichen Wesens, der Göttlichen Offenbarung, der Propheten, des Lebens nach dem Tod, das Konzept der Engel und des Teufels und der Bedeutung des Glaubens. Die Einrichtungen des Gebets, des Fastens und der Pilgerfahrt (Hadsch) werden nicht als bloße Rituale dargestellt, sondern vielmehr als bedeutungsvolle Akte der Anbetung, die dadurch, dass sie als Basis der Taten zum Wohl der Menschheit dienen, die geistige Entwicklung fördern. Die Wichtigkeit der Wohltätigkeit (Zakat) und ihre Bedeutung werden betont und Missverständnisse bezüglich beunruhigender Fragen wie den Rechten der Frauen, der Bedeutung des Dschihad und des Staates werden ausgeräumt.

Anjuman. Isha'at. Islam,. Lahore. –. U.S.A.. Kein Teil dieses Buches darf ohne
Erlaubnis des Herausgebers ... Islam, Lahore, U.S.A. aufnehmen: Ahmadiyya
Anjuman Ishaat Islam (Lahore) U.S.A P.O.Box 3370, Dublin, OH 43016-0176,
U.S.A ...

An Integrated Framework for Financial Positions and Flowson a From-Whom-To-Whom Basis

Concepts, Status, and Prospects

The global crisis of 2008 highlighted the need to understand financial interconnectedness among the various sectors of an economy and between them and their counterparties in the rest of the world. However, application of this kind of analysis has been hampered by the lack of adequate data. This paper sets the background for promoting internationally coordinated efforts for compiling and disseminating data on sectoral financial positions and flows on a from-whom-to-whom basis within the framework of the System of National Accounts. It draws on actual experiences in compiling these kinds of data and provides guidelines for their development in the future.

As of 201 l, 32 countries report data for the monetary authorities, depository
corporations (DCs) and other financial corporations (OFCs). Reports covering
only the monetary authorities and the DCs are received from 126 countries (
including ...

The Fibonacci Sequence

Its History, Significance, and Manifestations in Nature

The discoveries of Leonard of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, are revolutionary contributions to the mathematical world. His best-known work is the Fibonacci sequence, in which each new number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. When various operations and manipulations are performed on the numbers of this sequence, beautiful and incredible patterns begin to emerge. The numbers from this sequence are manifested throughout nature in the forms and designs of many plants and animals and have also been reproduced in various manners in art, architecture, and music.

The discoveries of Leonard of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, are revolutionary contributions to the mathematical world. His best-known work is the Fibonacci sequence, in which each new number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it.

e-Study Guide for Economic Systems Analysis and Assessment: Intensive Systems, Organizations,and Enterprises, textbook by Andrew P. Sage

Economics, Economics

Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.

Economics, Economics Cram101 Textbook Reviews. Chapter4.
Sage •

Automated Tools for Testing Computer System Vulnerability

Discusses automated tools for testing computer system vulnerability. Examines basic requirements for vulnerability testing tools and describes the different functional classes of tools. Offers general recommendations about the selection and distribution of such tools.

Do not specify personal or shared directories before system-provided directories
in executable search paths. (This invites the installation of Trojan horses.) •
Default protections assigned at file creation should meet system standards.