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Panduan penggunaan sistem informasi manajemen perkara Mahkamah Konstitusi, Republik Indonesia, Simekar

On case management information system and its implementation by Indonesian Constitutional Court.

On case management information system and its implementation by Indonesian Constitutional Court.

Sistem Informasi Manajemen berbasis Web untuk pengelolaan data Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Darmajaya Bandar Lampung

In order to achieve information about library collection and data access for academic STMIK and STIE at Darmajaya University had a problem caused services still manually for locating that information or someone had to go by them self to the library, and also slowly processing transaction. By this problem, need to build application using distributed database methode and barcode technology to apply management information system based on web to handle library management. System can handle order transaction book collection, borrowing and returning, withdrawing and replacing lost books. Final Result from this research is that the system can do accommodate that need by Management Information System based on web for data management at University Darmajaya Bandar Lampung library. Keywords: management information system, web, barcode, database.

In order to achieve information about library collection and data access for academic STMIK and STIE at Darmajaya University had a problem caused services still manually for locating that information or someone had to go by them self to the ...