Sebanyak 33 item atau buku ditemukan

Mengenal Kosakata Bahasa Inggris : Buku bergambar untuk PAUD 2

Buku ini mengenalkan benda-benda di lingkungan sekitar dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris kepada anak. Dilengkapi dengan gambar, pembelajaran pun menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan.

Buku ini mengenalkan benda-benda di lingkungan sekitar dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris kepada anak. Dilengkapi dengan gambar, pembelajaran pun menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan.

Ayo Ajarkan Anak Tang Jawab Finansial

Dalam buku ini kita akan menemukan pendekatan langkah demi langkah dalam mengajari anak untuk: mau menabung, cerdas mengelola uang, dan belajar bertanggung jawab pada keputusan finansial yang telah diambil. Topik-topik yang dibahas, termasuk: menabung, menelusuri pengeluaran uang, membelanjakan uang dengan bijaksana, hidup sesuai anggaran, investasi, kredit yang bertanggung jawab, dan menggunakan uang untuk membantu orang lain. Sementara nilai yang ingin disampaikan dari buku ini, antara lain: - Uang hanya sekadar alat bantu untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan 'kemerdekaan'. - Menabung itu baik; sementara menimbun uang semata untuk kepentingan diri sendiri itu tidak baik. - Pengeluaran yang baik harus dilakukan dengan bijak dan dalam batas kemampuan. - Serakah itu tidak baik. - Memberi dengan murah hati adalah bagian dari tanggung jawab setiap insan. - Mengelola harta kekayaan dengan bijak adalah tindakan yang terhormat. Orang yang sukses adalah mereka yang seimbang dalam kehidupannya, stabil secara finansial, dan bisa memberi kontribusi untuk keluarganya dan masyarakat yang ada di sekitarnya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Pada akhir minggu, setiap stiker dapat ditukar dengan sejumlah uang. ○
Sediakan 3 (tiga) buah celengan untuk menampung uang tersebut. Satu untuk
tabungan, satu untuk sumbangan, dan satu untuk dibelanjakan. » Dia boleh
membagi uang sesuka hatinya—tetapi, setiap celengan harus mendapat
jatahnya masing-masing. » Anak dapat menghabiskan uang di celengan untuk
belanja, atau dia bisa mengombinasikannya dengan celengan menabung untuk
bisa membeli sesuatu ...

Anakku Matahariku: Kisah Inspiratif Ibu & Putrinya

"""Pertanyaan itu muncul dari putrinya yang lahir setelah tujuh tahun pernikahannya, setelah ia cukup siap. Tapi… ia ternyata tidak benar-benar siap menjadi seorang ibu. Mulai dari masa kehamilan sampai anaknya melewati masa balita, ia jatuh bangun, berusaha menjadi orangtua yang baik. Kisah-kisah yang diceritakan dalam buku ini adalah kisah yang ditulis apa adanya, sehingga pembaca bisa belajar dari kesalahan yang pernah ia perbuat sebagai orangtua. Ada banyak kejutan, kebahagiaan, pembelajaran, dan perenungan berharga dalam proses menjadi orangtua. Buku ini bercerita selayaknya sebuah diary, ditulis dengan keinginan berbagi sehingga para orangtua bisa semakin bijaksana dalam menjalin hubungan yang dekat dengan anak dan mendidik mereka dengan kasih sayang, bukan pemaksaan ego orang dewasa. Anak, karunia sang Pencipta, adalah manusia kecil yang dititipkan pada kita. Dengan berjalannya waktu, tanpa disadari, mendampingi mereka tumbuh bersama, sering kali bahkan bisa menyembuhkan kita dari masa lalu... Kisah dalam buku ini dipaparkan dengan gaya bahasa dan pilihan kata yang membuat pembaca sangat menikmatinya mulai awal sampai akhir, tidak hanya dengan pikiran namun juga dengan hati."""

"""Pertanyaan itu muncul dari putrinya yang lahir setelah tujuh tahun pernikahannya, setelah ia cukup siap.

A Family Is a Circle of People Who Love You

Describes the kinds of people that can be considered family members and tells how to nurture family relationships

Describes the kinds of people that can be considered family members and tells how to nurture family relationships

Second Chance

Second Chance speaks to the vulnerability of the widowed and divorced baby boomers' loneliness, but not in a depressing way. Many are active, normal, healthy, decent men and women with children and grandchildren, yet many are lonely. Infused with humor, Second Chance is funny, charming, poignant, and real. In the Adirondack Mountains Spa Village Resort, in Upstate New York, a good mix of African American and Caucasian Baby Boomers meet the match that was chosen for them to participate in a ten-day organized matchmaking event. Each one has traveled a different path in life. Each one has a unique story. The story centers on Janet, a divorced Pharmaceutical Sales Executive whose path had left her an emotional cripple. Janet could not accept the match that was carefully chosen for her. Through a bond of friendship forged out of adversity Janet struggled to heal her wounds. She soon became unhinged after arriving at the resort and was left with no choice but to walk away from the event. She would learn to heal and love herself and find the kind of relationship that had evaded her entire adult life. Neile Proeser is a fifty-eight-year-old divorced mother of two grown daughters and four grandchildren. Before moving to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where she works in Hospital Administration, Neile worked as a Scriptwriter in a local radio station in her native country of Barbados. Neile enjoys traveling throughout the vast desert Kingdom, the Mediterranean, Middle East and Far East.

... Second Chance 237.

Psikologi Pendidikan

Pedoman Untuk Guru dan Ibubapa

Pendidikan merupakan suatu tugas yang mencabar. Baik sebagai guru di sekolah mahupun ibubapa di rumah, tugas mendidik dilihat sebagai suatu tanggungjawab. Justeru adakalanya menyebabkan kita terlepas pandang dengan melihat tugas mendidik hanyalah berlaku di sekolah sahaja. Oleh itu aktiviti meningkatkan pengetahuan, kefahaman dan kemahiran mendidik dianggap hanya perlu dilakukan oleh guru di sekolah. Buku ini menjelaskan mengapa setiap individu sebenarnya merupakan pendidik. Samada sebagai guru di sekolah, ibubapa di rumah, mahupun ahli masyarakat, kita semua perlu sentiasa berusaha menambah pengetahuan, meningkatkan kefahaman dan kemahiran dalam mendidik. Tanpa usaha meningkatkan kefahaman dan kemahiran maka proses mendidik anak-anak didik kita lebih menjurus kepada ‘trial and error’ dan merugikan. Dalam buku ini perbincangan tentang teori, kaedah, strategi dan pendekatan psikologi dalam mendidik telah dilakukan dengan membandingkannya dengan pengalaman-pengalaman seharian. Penulis telah dengan sengaja membandingkan pengalaman-pengalaman seharian yang beliau lalui baik sebagai guru di sekolah atau pensyarah di pusat pengajian tinggi mahupun sebagai bapa di rumah supaya kefahaman dan penguasaan kemahiran mendidik dapat difahami dengan lebih mudah. Menjadi harapan penulis supaya buku ini dijadikan sebagai rujukan tambahan berkenaan dengan proses memahami dan meningkatkan kemahiran mendidik dalam kalangan kita semua. Amiin.

Pendidikan merupakan suatu tugas yang mencabar.

Unprecedented Life Journey

From Africa to the United States of America

It is tragic to see an animal or human killed or victimized by hoarders, driven by greed, for personal interest with no respect for life! It happened in the past; currently going on, and it shall happen in the future. The only way such injustice can end is when armies of defenders intervene—that is, making a difference by fair and impartial representation of the law. Nothing is too small for the limitless God to use you to make a difference in people’s lives! Making a difference always originates with a humble, perhaps controversial beginning. Nelson Mandela’s anti-colonial and anti-apartheid stance cost him twenty-seven productive years of imprisonment. The price he paid opened a stage for a democratic and prosperous nation with equal rights for blacks and whites. It took imprisonment and dedication for Stanley Tookie Williams, leader of the Crips, a notorious American street gang, to redeem the wasted years and to transform himself to where he ought to be. Cesar Chaves had to stand tall on his endeavor in order for farm workers to receive a better pay and working conditions. It took the outspoken voice of Eleanor Roosevelt to serve youth, black Americans, the poor, and women at home and abroad, encouraging them to have a respectable living. It also takes dedication, foregoing luxuries, and stepping out of the comfort zone for Princess Diana as well as, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Goodwill Ambassadors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to serve humanity. What would it take you to cause a change in people’s lives? Have you figured it out? You are perfect and have what it takes to accomplish greater, wider, and bigger things. Unprecedented Life Journey shows a capable person with a potential of having an abundant life. It all depended on the choices he makes and his ability to identify the right direction in the road of life with a special “GPS.” This type of GPS never fails, and it is far more valuable and accurate than the average satellite-based navigation system. There are countless benefits that this GPS can give. It elevates one from nobody to somebody and makes the days of one’s life long in the land that God gives to a man. This GPS is worth more than precious jewels for whoever utilizes it wisely, fairly, and justly anywhere in the world. Unprecedented Life Journey reveals how an aspiring student deviates from purposeful living. Instead of admitting and diverging from wrongdoings, he decides to hide the fact and veers into wild living. Eventually, the University suspends him for a little Foolishness a couple of months before graduation. Consequently, while away from the university he works on jobs that barely cover his needs while his buddies, who stay faithful to their educational priorities, enjoy abundance. Unprecedented Life Journey helps the purposeful ones to stay focused, and encourages the lost to diverge, embrace the forgotten virtue, and redeem the squandered prodigal ages by keeping the traction and putting the most important things first.

Consequently, while away from the university he works on jobs that barely cover his needs while his buddies, who stay faithful to their educational priorities, enjoy abundance.

Understanding Family Process

Basics of Family Systems Theory

Systems theory is the basic theoretical model underlying most contemporary family therapy. In this accessible introduction, the author traces how systems theory gave rise to family systems theory, outlines the basic propositions of family systems and links it both to other family theory literature and to clinical practice. Among the topics covered are relational space, family boundaries, family stratification and child socialization. Family meanings and such shared realities as family folklore, stories, myths and memorabilia are discussed. Family rituals are also explored.

Participative work as an influence on human development. Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology, 5, ... Routine activities and crime prevention in the
developing metropolis. Criminology, 25,911-932. Ferree, M. M. (1990). Beyond ...

Adolescence and Youth in Early Modern England

This book is an investigation of youth and adolescence in pre-industrial England. It concentrates on young people from the middle or lower groups of society, who, between 1500 and 1800, left home to work as apprentices, agricultural labourers or in domestic service. Drawing on municipal, ecclesiastical and parish records, and over 70 autobiographies, Ben-Amos focusses on aspects of youth as they related to maturation: the separation of adolescents from their parents; their working lives and relationships with their employers or masters and mistresses; the relative independence and autonomy exercised by younger women; the role of the young in religious affairs; and the question of whether there was such as thing as a youth subculture.

... such as silkmaking and the production of high-quality metal; and in those in
which the production process was particularly long, such as tanning.42 In mid-
seventeenth-century London, Lodowick Muggleton, a tailor apprentice, estimated
that ...

Syair suluh pegawai (hukum nikah)

Content analysis of Malay literary works in verses on marriage custom according to Islam in Riau region; research report.

Content analysis of Malay literary works in verses on marriage custom according to Islam in Riau region; research report.