Sebanyak 369 item atau buku ditemukan

Tiga puluh bohong besar Soeharto

Wimanjaya menceritakan, dia (Soeharto - Red) sudah menerima laporan dari
Kolonel Latief tentang akan adanya pembunuhan para jenderal (Ahmad Yani Cs
) di RSPAD. Walaupun dia sudah menerima laporan itu, tapi dia tidak melapor ...

Pola pengambilan keputusan dan sikap terhadap resiko dalam ekspansi usahatani bawang merah

studi kasus di Desa Renda, Kabupaten Bima : laporan penelitian

Attitudes of farmers in expanding onion cultivation in Renda Village, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province; research report.

Attitudes of farmers in expanding onion cultivation in Renda Village, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province; research report.

Aspek sosial budaya pengambilan keputusan dalam keluarga berencana di Nusa Tenggara Timur

Sociocultural aspects on decision to join the family planning program in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province.

Sociocultural aspects on decision to join the family planning program in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province.

Amazing Faces

An instructional art book focusing on the various elements in drawing a face, including shading, features, proportions, profiles, expressions, and more.

An instructional art book focusing on the various elements in drawing a face, including shading, features, proportions, profiles, expressions, and more.

Harvesting the Sea, Farming the Forest

The Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the Baltic Region

An international conference held in Poland in 1992 investigated the condition of the later Mesolithic communities in the Baltic region and on the genesis of the Neolithic. The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition has traditionally been studied using evidence from western Europe, but this conference focused upon the previously poorly known evidence from the former Eastern Bloc countries of the Baltic and adjacent areas. Because the material is not generally available in English, the publication of papers from the conference makes available the missing evidence for this crucial period of European prehistory.

An international conference held in Poland in 1992 investigated the condition of the later Mesolithic communities in the Baltic region and on the genesis of the Neolithic.