Sebanyak 500 item atau buku ditemukan

Awi-awian Budha

Kemudian segera kembali ke negara, betari tidak diceritakan, sang Wirakara itu,
sudah tiba di taman, betara (Siwa) sedang menunggangi, I Warah Abra, di sana
beliau melihat. 72. Gaglisan mangkin tulak ka nagara, tan carita bhatari, to sang

Kekhususan rokok Indonesia

mempermasalahkan PP no. 81 tahun 1999 tentang pengamanan rokok bagi kesehatan

Comments on government regulation no. 81 of 1999 regarding nicotine content, cigarette labels and adds, a public health regulation to control smoking, and its implication for Indonesia's cigarette industry.

Penelitian di beberapa negara maju (developed coun- tries) menunjukkan
bahwa angka kematian 7096 lebih tinggi didapati pada perokok pria
dibandingkan pada pria bukan perokok. Di Inggris, perokok pria berusia 35
tahun ke atas dan ...

Cloud Dance

Clouds of many shapes and sizes drift and dance across the sky. Includes factual information on the formation and different kinds of clouds.

Clouds of many shapes and sizes drift and dance across the sky. Includes factual information on the formation and different kinds of clouds.

Building Data Mining Appl. For

A unique comprehensive guide to the business and technology of developing effective Enterprise Customer Relationship management solutions using contemporary data mining techniques. With focus on implementation and data mining technology, this book gives readers the ability to recognize and track patterns within their data, giving them a key competitive advantage over competition.

With focus on implementation and data mining technology, this book gives readers the ability to recognize and track patterns within their data, giving them a key competitive advantage over competition.