Sebanyak 24 item atau buku ditemukan

Lettres sur l'histoire physique de la terre, adressees a m. le professeur Blumenbach, renfermant de nouvelles Preuves geologiques et historiques de la Mission divine de Moyse. Par J. A. De Luc ..

Un de mes neveux, dont je rapporte une autre observation dans ce même
paragraphe , ayant passé quelque tems à Sea-Houses, près d'Eart-Bourne, sur
la côte de Sussex, en profita pour faire une étude exacte des couches dont sont ...

Bibliografi skripsi Universitas Pajajaran

Fakultas Sastra, Fakultas Psikologi, Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Sosial Politik, Fakultas Pertanian, Fakultas Publisistik, 1957-1980

Fresh Update Mega Bank Soal Bahasa Indonesia SMP kelas 1, 2, & 3

Pendidikan mempunyai akar yang pahit, tapi buahnya manis. Aristoteles Untuk mencapai nilai maksimal diperlukan banyak belajar dan berlatih mengerjakan soal. Proses berlatih yang panjang akan membentuk daya pikir dan kemampuan menganalisis soal dengan sendirinya. Jika kedua hal tersebut telah didapatkan, siswa akan dapat mengerjakan soal-soal dengan solusi yang cepat dan tepat. Buku Fresh Update Mega Bank Soal Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 1, 2, & 3 terbitan dari CMedia hadir sebagai solusi tepat bagi siswa dalam proses berlatih tersebut. Siswa akan mendapatkan: • Rangkuman Materi, • RATUSAN Soal dan Pembahasan, • RIBUAN Soal Latihan, • TIGA Paket Soal Ujian Nasional dengan Pembahasan, • DUA Paket Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional, dan • Bonus Beasiswa Rp100 Juta. Semua dikupas secara detail dan mudah dipahami. Dengan keunggulan-keunggulan tersebut, buku Fresh Update Mega Bank Soal Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 1, 2, & 3 akan menjadi bekal berharga bagi siswa dalam menghadapi Ulangan Harian, Ujian Tengah dan Akhir Semester, Ujian Sekolah, bahkan Ujian Nasional. Salam sukses!

Buku Fresh Update Mega Bank Soal Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 1, 2, & 3 terbitan dari CMedia hadir sebagai solusi tepat bagi siswa dalam proses berlatih tersebut.

Heidegger on Being and Acting

From Principles to Anarchy

Schurmann's brilliant deconstructionist analysis provides a comprehensive interpretation of Heidegger's thinking from the perspective of the question, What is to be done at the end of metaphysics.

to head an inquiry into what he calls "a non-metaphysical ethics." It is worked out
in constant debate with Heidegger, from whom he gathers various hints at a
nonmetaphysical measure for action. Those hints are love, compassion, and
respect ...

Handbook of Neurosociology

Until recently, a handbook on neurosociology would have been viewed with skepticism by sociologists, who have long been protective of their disciplinary domain against perceived encroachment by biology. But a number of developments in the last decade or so have made sociologists more receptive to biological factors in sociology and social psychology. Much of this has been encouraged by the coeditors of this volume, David Franks and Jonathan Turner. This new interest has been increased by the explosion of research in neuroscience on brain functioning and brain-environment interaction (via new MRI technologies), with implications for social and psychological functioning. This handbook emphasizes the integration of perspectives within sociology as well as between fields in social neuroscience. For example, Franks represents a social constructionist position following from G.H. Mead’s voluntaristic theory of the act while Turner is more social structural and positivistic. Furthermore, this handbook not only contains contributions from sociologists, but leading figures from the psychological perspective of social neuroscience.

What has emerged is the empirical study of “real reason”— how people really
think, whether they are people studied by social scientists or social scientists
themselves. The social sciences, of course, study the material causes of social
and ...

Reliability Engineering for Electronic Design

The Bayesian approach is intuitively appealing to design engineers because it
permits them to use engineering judgment, based upon prior experience with
similar equipment designs, to estimate the reliability of new systems where only ...

Uang, perbankan, dan ekonomi moneter

kajian kontekstual Indonesia : berdasarkan UU no. 7/1992 sebagaimana diubah dengan UU no. 10/1998, UU no. 3/2004 (Perubahan atas UU no. 23/1999) : dilengkapi arsitektur perbankan Indonesia (API)

On financial, banking, and monetary policies in Indonesia with reference to Indonesian laws.

On financial, banking, and monetary policies in Indonesia with reference to Indonesian laws.

Pengantar administrasi pembangunan

2.2 . Sektor Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan . 2.3 . Sektor Kesehatan . 2.4.Sektor Kesejahteraan Sosial , Perumahan dan Teknik Penyehatan . 3. Bidang Ekonomi . 3.1 . Sektor Pertanian dan irigasi . 3.2 . Sektor Industri dan pertambangan .