Sebanyak 10 item atau buku ditemukan

Psikologi Perkembangan

Buku Psikologi Perkembangan ini membahas pengertian dan konsep dasar psikologi perkembangan, yang diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat khususnya dan para pendidik pada umumnya di dalam memahami secara cepat dan tepat perihal psikologi perkembangan. Selain aspek dan metodologi dasar psikologi, buku ini secara lengkap membahas fase perkembangan individu manusia (dari masa kandungan, masa bayi, masa awal anak, masa akhir anak, masa remaja, masa dewasa, dan masa tua); pengertian pertumbuhan, kematangan, dan perkembangan; prinsip-prinsip pertumbuhan perkembangan; teori perkembangan; aspek pendukung perkembangan pendidikan anak; serta psikologi perkembangan pada pendidikan di Indonesia. --- Buku persembahan penerbit Kencana (Prenadamedia)

Pernah menjadi ketua program studi Pendidikan Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak UNJ selama dua periode (tahun 2000-2007), juga pernah menjadi Academic and Operational Manager di sekolah swasta di wilayah Bekasi, dan headmaster TK-SD di wilayah ...




VLSI and Computer Architecture

VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science

VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science, Volume 20: VLSI and Computer Architecture reviews the approaches in design principles and techniques and the architecture for computer systems implemented in VLSI. This volume is divided into two parts. The first section is concerned with system design. Chapters under this section focus on the discussion of such topics as the evolution of VLSI; system performance and processor design considerations; and VLSI system design and processing tools. Part II of the book focuses on the architectural possibilities that have become cost effective with the development of VLSI circuits. Topics on architectural requirements and various architectures such as the Reduced Instruction Set, Extended Von Neumann, Language-Oriented, and Microprogrammable architectures are elaborated in detail. Also included are chapters that discuss the evaluation of architecture, multiprocessing configurations, and the future of VLSI. Computer designers, those evaluating computer systems, researchers, and students of computer architecture will find the book very useful.

Anceau, F., “VLSI-processor architecture and design”, in VLSI architecture, edited
by B. Randell and P. C. Treleaven, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983.
Anderson, J. M., et al., “The architecture of FAIM-1”, Computer, 20, 1 (1987), 55–
65 ...

Role of higher civil servants in Pakistan

Ahmed Ali. safeguards afforded by the rules of evidence, produced actual
miscarriage of justice, and created, although justice be done, opportunities of
suspicion, distrust, and discontent ... (Question put by Mr. Nur Ahmad to Law

Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Visual Basic .NET and Visual Studio .NET

Published under the direction of series editor Tittel, the leading authority on certification and the founder of The Exam Cram Method series, this volume includes a CD-ROM which features PrepLogic* Practice Tests.

This exam counts as a core credit toward the new MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer) certification as well as a core credit toward the MCSD certification for .NET candidates. This book is not intended to teach new material.