Sebanyak 6 item atau buku ditemukan

Kamus istilah pendidikan & umum untuk guru, calon guru, dan umum

Adapun pembagian bidang studinya sebagai berikut : · Buku IIA 1 : Bidang studi Agama Islam . Buku IIA 2 : Agama Kristen / Protestan . Buku IIA 3 : Agama Khatolik . - Buku IIA 4 : Agama Hindu . Buku IIA 5 : Agama Budha .

Enhancing Food Safety

The Role of the Food and Drug Administration

Recent outbreaks of illnesses traced to contaminated sprouts and lettuce illustrate the holes that exist in the system for monitoring problems and preventing foodborne diseases. Although it is not solely responsible for ensuring the safety of the nation's food supply, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees monitoring and intervention for 80 percent of the food supply. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's abilities to discover potential threats to food safety and prevent outbreaks of foodborne illness are hampered by impediments to efficient use of its limited resources and a piecemeal approach to gathering and using information on risks. Enhancing Food Safety: The Role of the Food and Drug Administration, a new book from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council, responds to a congressional request for recommendations on how to close gaps in FDA's food safety systems. Enhancing Food Safety begins with a brief review of the Food Protection Plan (FPP), FDA's food safety philosophy developed in 2007. The lack of sufficient detail and specific strategies in the FPP renders it ineffectual. The book stresses the need for FPP to evolve and be supported by the type of strategic planning described in these pages. It also explores the development and implementation of a stronger, more effective food safety system built on a risk-based approach to food safety management. Conclusions and recommendations include adopting a risk-based decision-making approach to food safety; creating a data surveillance and research infrastructure; integrating federal, state, and local government food safety programs; enhancing efficiency of inspections; and more. Although food safety is the responsibility of everyone, from producers to consumers, the FDA and other regulatory agencies have an essential role. In many instances, the FDA must carry out this responsibility against a backdrop of multiple stakeholder interests, inadequate resources, and competing priorities. Of interest to the food production industry, consumer advocacy groups, health care professionals, and others, Enhancing Food Safety provides the FDA and Congress with a course of action that will enable the agency to become more efficient and effective in carrying out its food safety mission in a rapidly changing world.

The lack of sufficient detail and specific strategies in the FPP renders it ineffectual. The book stresses the need for FPP to evolve and be supported by the type of strategic planning described in these pages.

Kamus manajemen

English-Indonesian dictionary on management.

L A Y O F F. Layoff adalah suatu pemberhentian yang inisiatifnya datang dari
majikan, karena pekerjaan dihapuskan, atau karena ada pengurangan pegawai.
LAYOUT-TATA RUANG. Kata tata ruang biasanya dihubungkan dengan kantor.
Tegasnya tata ruang kantor atau dalam bahasa Inggris office layout. Tata ruang
kantor menunjukkan penentuan syarat-syarat ruang dan penggunaannya secara
terinci untuk memberikan susunan perkakas dan perlengkapan yang paling
praktis ...

Simfoni tanpa henti

ekonomi politik masyarakat baru Indonesia

Political economy of Indonesia; collected articles.

Setelah mencari-cari alamat, dan karena sudah larut malam, terdampar di
emperan rumah seorang tukang pos di Benteng Dalam. Orangnya berkali-kali
minta maaf hanya dapat memberi sebuah bale-bale di pinggir rumah, karena di
dalam ...