Sebanyak 10 item atau buku ditemukan

Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems

'Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems' provides an introduction to the principles of this subject. It is written for anyone pursuing a career in aircraft maintenance engineering or a related aerospace engineering discipline.

Electronic Industries Association Engine Indication and Crew Alerting Systems
Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics Electronic Instrument System Elevation-
Station Elevator and Aileron Computer Electronic Library System Emulate ...

Fifth Generation Computer Systems

The Japan Information Processing Development Centre (JIPDEC) established a committee for Study and Research on Fifth-Generation Computers. Beginning in 1979, this Committee set out on a two-year investigation into the most desirable types of computer systems for application in the 1990`s (fifth-generation computers) and how the development projects aimed at the realization of these systems should be carried forward. This book contains the papers presented at the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems. Included among these papers is a preliminary report on the findings of the Committee.

Machine translation system Question answering system Applied speech
understanding system Applied picture and image understanding system Applied
problem solving system Initial Stage Interim Stage Final Stage fifth generation
computer ...

Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks

Fault Tolerance, Analysis, and Design

3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter deals with a variety of techniques for improving
system reliability and availability. Underlying all these techniques is the basic
concept of redundancy, providing alternate paths to allow the system to continue

Developing Performance Support for Computer Systems

A Strategy for Maximizing Usability and Learnability

Developing Performance Support for Computer Systems: A Strategy for Maximizing Usability and Learnability provides detailed planning, design, and development guidance for generating performance support for new or upgraded computer systems. Performance support includes documentation, online help, coaches and wizards, training, and other materials necessary to enable users to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively. This volume offers a strategy for maximizing ease-of-use and ease-of-learning through an integrated performance support systems approach. The text provides how-to guidance throughout that developers can apply directly to the design of their performance support tools and products. Rather than cover a few specific topic areas, it examines the entire spectrum of performance support. The book explains how to match performance support methods to task requirements, gives an overview of important user characteristics, and provides general guidance for presentation, layout, formatting, media selection, the use of color and icons, and accessibility. Evaluation checklists are included in the appendices and are also available online. Although this book primarily addresses the development of performance support for large software systems, the principles and approaches are valuable for any systems development environment.

Needs assessment is essentially the collection of appropriate data from
managers and potential (or current users) about how the system should function,
what outputs it should produce and the requirements for accuracy, efficiency, etc.

Computer Programming and Computer Systems

Computer Programming and Computer Systems imparts a “reading knowledge of computer systems. This book describes the aspects of machine-language programming, monitor systems, computer hardware, and advanced programming that every thorough programmer should be acquainted with. This text discusses the automatic electronic digital computers, symbolic language, Reverse Polish Notation, and Fortran into assembly language. The routine for reading blocked tapes, dimension statements in subroutines, general-purpose input routine, and efficient use of memory are also elaborated. This publication is intended as an introduction to modern programming practices for professional programmers, but is also valuable to research workers in science, engineering, academic, and industrial fields who are using computers.

This book describes those aspects of machine-language programming, monitor
systems, computer hardware, and advanced programming with which every
thorough programmer should be acquainted. It could serve professional
programmers ...

Human Factors in Computer Systems

This volume contains chapters by investigators of issues in the human factors of computing systems. Issues include social factors of computing systems, the overall view of the system by users, how users learn about complex systems, the influence of dialogue, menu, and command language structures on user behaviour, and the effectiveness of various kinds of graphical displays. Chapters explore what makes programs and programming complex, and what cognitve structures programmers use to simplify the task and investigate various documentation options.

This volume contains chapters by investigators of issues in the human factors of computing systems.

Computer Systems

Completely revised and updated, Computer Systems, Fourth Edition offers a clear, detailed, step-by-step introduction to the central concepts in computer organization, assembly language, and computer architecture. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.

Database systems are one of the most common applications at Level App7. A
database is a collection of files that contain interrelated information, and a
database system (also called a database management system, or DBMS) is a
program ...

Safety of Computer Control Systems 1986 (Safecomp '86) Trends in Safe Real Time Computer Systems

Proceedings of the Fifth IFAC Workshop, Sarlat, France, 14-17 October 1986

The proceedings of the fifth workshop in this subject continue the trend set by the previous four and discusses some of the current problems involved in the design and production of safe real-time computer systems. Topics covered include software quality assurance, software fault tolerance, design for safety, and reliability and safety assessment. Every paper details the theoretical and practical problems involved in the development of safe systems and should therefore be of interest to all those involved in systems design.

V3) for a similar error of the three versions, may lead to system failure. Each
programming team may make independent errors, labeled as IE(Vi) for an
independent error in version i, during the design and implementation of the
version. During ...

Object Oriented Computer Systems Engineering

This book addresses issues concerning the engineering of system prod ucts that make use of computing technology. These systems may be prod ucts in their own right, for example a computer, or they may be the computerised control systems inside larger products, such as factory automation systems, transportation systems and vehicles, and personal appliances such as portable telephones. In using the term engineering the authors have in mind a development process that operates in an integrated sequence of steps, employing defined techniques that have some scientific basis. Furthermore we expect the operation of the stages to be subject to controls and standards that result in a product fit for its intended purpose, both in the hands of its users and as a business venture. Thus the process must take account of a wide range of requirements relating to function, cost, size, reliabili ty and so on. It is more difficult to define the meaning of computing technology. These days this involves much more than computers and software. For example, many tasks that might be performed by software running in a general purpose computer can also be performed directly by the basic technology used to construct a computer, namely digital hardware. However, hardware need not always be digital; we live in an analogue world, hence analogue signals appear on the boundaries of our systems and it can sometimes be advantageous to allow them to penetrate further.

Examples include, in order of conformance to standard' ERD notation, the Object
Models of Rumbaugh et al., the Information Models of Shlaer and Mellor and the
Structure Diagrams of Coad and Yourdon. These entity views are typically ...