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Second Chance

Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower

America's Most Distinguished commentator on foreign policy, former National Security Adviser Brzezinski offers a reasoned but unsparing assessment of the last three presidential administrations' foreign policy.

Before long, the political balance in Iran tipped back toward fundamentalist and
fiercely antiAmerican elements. Taken. *The signatories were Elliott Abrams,
Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner, John Bolton, Paula
Dobriansky, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzdad, William Kristol
, Richard Perle, Peter W. Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, William Schneider Jr., Vin
Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, and Robert B. Zoellick. 128 second

The Revenge of Gaia

Earth's Climate Crisis & The Fate of Humanity

The key insight of Gaia Theory is that the entire Earth functions as a single living super-organism. But according to James Lovelock, the theory's originator, that organism is now sick. It is running a fever born of increased atmospheric greenhouse gases. Earth will adjust to these stresses, but the human race faces a severe test. It is already too late, Lovelock says, to prevent the global climate from “flipping” into an entirely new equilibrium that will threaten civilization as we know it. But we can do much to save humanity. In the tradition of Silent Spring, this is a call to address a major threat to our collective future.

But we can do much to save humanity. In the tradition of Silent Spring, this is a call to address a major threat to our collective future.

The Vanishing Face of Gaia

A Final Warning

The global temperature is rising, the ice caps are melting, and levels of pollution across the world have reached unprecedented heights. According to eminent scientist James Lovelock, in order to survive an assault from her dependents, the Earth is lurching ever closer to a permanent “hot state.” Within the next century, we will almost certainly be forced to give up many of the comforts of western living as supplies are threatened. Only the fittest—and the smartest—will survive. A reluctant jeremiad from one of the environmental movement's elder statesmen, The Vanishing Face of Gaia offers an essential wake-up call for the human race.

According to eminent scientist James Lovelock, in order to survive an assault from her dependents, the Earth is lurching ever closer to a permanent “hot state.” Within the next century, we will almost certainly be forced to give up many ...

Guerrilla Marketing with Technology

Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Small Business

The author of Guerrilla Marketing shows entrepreneurs how to compete with major corporations by enhancing their small businesses through technology, investing a minimal amount of money to enhance virtually every aspect of their operation. Original. Tour.

repetition if you don't commit to your marketing plan, if you abandon ship before it
has a chance to set sail. Many brilliant marketing plans have been discarded
merely because they didn't generate instant results. But marketing rarely does ...

Hacking Matter

Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, And The Infinite Weirdness Of Programmable Atoms

Programmable matter is probably not the next technological revolution, nor even perhaps the one after that. But it's coming, and when it does, it will change our lives as much as any invention ever has. Imagine being able to program matter itself-to change it, with the click of a cursor, from hard to soft, from paper to stone, from fluorescent to super-reflective to invisible. Supported by organizations ranging from Levi Strauss and IBM to the Defense Department, solid-state physicists in renowned laboratories are working to make it a reality. In this dazzling investigation, Wil McCarthy visits the laboratories and talks with the researchers who are developing this extraordinary technology, describes how they are learning to control it, and tells us where all this will lead. The possibilities are truly astonishing.