Sebanyak 250 item atau buku ditemukan

Mene, Mene, Tekel

Explains the origins, modern usages, and pronunciations of phrases, such as "doubting Thomas" and "feet of clay," that have come from the Old and New Testaments

Explains the origins, modern usages, and pronunciations of phrases, such as "doubting Thomas" and "feet of clay," that have come from the Old and New Testaments

Acoustic Waves in Boreholes

Introducing the first, self-contained reference on acoustic waveform logging Acoustic measurements in boreholes were first made as a specialized logging technique in geological exploration, but recent advances have greatly expanded the potential applications of this technique. Acoustic Waves in Boreholes provides a thorough review of the theory and interpretation techniques needed to realize these applications, emphasizing the role of guided modes and critically refracted waves in determining the characteristics of recorded waveforms. Topics covered in this comprehensive volume include the seismic properties of rocks; propagation of axisymmetric waves along fluid-filled boreholes in isotropic rocks; and symmetric and nonsymmetric sources in isotropic, transversely isotropic, and porous, permeable formations in open and cased boreholes. Each chapter includes the theory of synthetic microseismogram computation, interpretation and data inversion techniques illustrated using computed seismograms, and case histories using experimental data. Appendices providing the mathematical formulation needed to compute microseismograms, with a single consistent notation used throughout, are also included in appropriate chapters. The wide range of geomechanical properties covered in this book will interest exploration geophysicists, reservoir engineers, civil engineers, geologists, and soil scientists.

Frederick L. Paillet, Chuen Hon Cheng. Appendix. 3.1. Complex. Contour.
Integration. Evaluation. of. Wavenumber. Transform. for. Synthetic.
Microseismograms. Although direct numerical evaluation of transform integrals
such as that in Equation 3.1 is now the preferred method of synthetic
microseismogram calculation, complex contour integration methods can provide
considerable insight into the properties of waveforms. Complex contour
integration and residue theory also provide ...

Bung Karno is the Sole Digger of Pancasila (The Five Principles)

Seperti dikatakan tadi Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, yang dalam rumus Bung
Karno menjadi Sila kelima dijadikan Sila pertama. Pada tanggal 22 Juni 1945
pembaruan rumusan Panitia 9 itu diserahkan kepada Panitia Penyelidik Usaha-
usaha Kemerdekaan Indonesia dan diberi nama "Piagam Jakarta". Kemudian
seluruh Piagam Jakarta itu dijadikan "Pembukaan" Undang-Undang Dasar 1945,
sehingga "Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar" menjadi "Dokumen Negara

Mr. Archimedes' Bath

While bathing with his friends one day, Mr. Archimedes discovers the principle for which his name has become famous.

While bathing with his friends one day, Mr. Archimedes discovers the principle for which his name has become famous.

Ellis Island

Gateway to the American Dream

Celebrates the grand reopening of one of America's greatest historical monuments by exploring the history of Ellis Island, from the days of its earliest immigrants to its recent restoration

Celebrates the grand reopening of one of America's greatest historical monuments by exploring the history of Ellis Island, from the days of its earliest immigrants to its recent restoration.