Sebanyak 354 item atau buku ditemukan

Pelacuran di balik seragam sekolah

tinjauan etis teologis terhadap praktik hubungan seks pranikah

Christian female teenage prostitutes in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya; research from a Christian sexual ethics view.

Christian female teenage prostitutes in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya; research from a Christian sexual ethics view.

Adobe After Effects

The Classroom in a Book series is designed to work either as a set of self-paced lessons or within an instructor-led training program. Use the specially-created files on the CD as you work through the lessons and projects in the book. These illustrations will guide you through the results you'll achieve on the screen using your Adobe software. This unique combination of hands-on tools has made Classroom in a Book an international best-selling approach to maximizing your productivity. Classroom in a Book: Adobe After Effects for Macintosh covers ten lessons that allow you to maximize the power and sophistication of the award-winning special effects and 2D animation program, using the tools and features of Adobe After Effects with the CD's professionally created electronic files. Classroom in a Book: Adobe After Effects for Macintosh supports Adobe After Effects version 3 or later.

5 Press the Home key to return to the beginning of the composition. PLAYING
THE COMPOSITION You can play a composition by pressing the spacebar, or
clicking the Play button in the Time Controls palette. Rewind to beginning i r Next
frai ...

Manajemen kepegawaian di Indonesia

Personnel management in Indonesia.

Pengelolaan jangka panjang, berupa investasi pegawai. Hal ini merupakan
aspek operasional, mulai dari proses pengadaan (recruitment), penyiapan dan
pembekalan melalui proses Diklat pembentukan. 2. Pengelolaan Jangka Pendek
dan ...

Fungsi keluarga dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia daerah Sumatera Utara

Function of family in improving the quality of human resources in Sumatera Utara Province.

Function of family in improving the quality of human resources in Sumatera Utara Province.

Sumber daya manusia untuk Indonesia masa depan

himpunan makalah dari Seminar Nasional Sumber Daya Manusia yang diselenggarakan ICMI, FCHI, KCBI, dan PIKI

Human resources development, views from Indonesian Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian intellectuals, papers of a seminar.

Human resources development, views from Indonesian Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian intellectuals, papers of a seminar.

Westminster Abbey and Its People, C.1050-c.1216

Detailed investigation into a transitional period of the Abbey's history, covering the whole community.

Detailed investigation into a transitional period of the Abbey's history, covering the whole community.