Sebanyak 532 item atau buku ditemukan

Anggaran dasar Muhammadiyah (baru) dan anggaran rumah tangga Muhammadiyah (lama).

By-laws of Muhammadiyah, Islamic organization in Indonesia.

By-laws of Muhammadiyah, Islamic organization in Indonesia.

Menajemen bahasa

pengorganisasian karangan pragmatik dalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk mahasiswa dan praktis bisnis

pengorganisasian karangan pragmatik dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk
mahasiswa dan praktisi bisnis Wahyu Wibowo. Prawacana: TENTANG
MANAJEMEN BAHASA Bahasa Indonesia selalu saja bermasalah. Dari sudut
pragmatiknya, cobalah perhatikan, bahasa Indonesia (BI), hingga era Reformasi
ini tak pernah beranjak dari persoalan "kesulitan dalam memahaminya". Sebagai
contoh, tidak sedikit mahasiswa kita yang "alergi" terhadap mata kuliah BI.
Sehingga, BI, dalam ...

The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature

A breathtaking achievement, this Concise Companion is a suitable crown to the astonishing production in African American literature and criticism that has swept over American literary studies in the last two decades. It offers an enormous range of writers-from Sojourner Truth to Frederick Douglass, from Zora Neale Hurston to Ralph Ellison, and from Toni Morrison to August Wilson. It contains entries on major works (including synopses of novels), such as Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Richard Wright's Native Son, and Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun. It also incorporates information on literary characters such as Bigger Thomas, Coffin Ed Johnson, Kunta Kinte, Sula Peace, as well as on character types such as Aunt Jemima, Brer Rabbit, John Henry, Stackolee, and the trickster. Icons of black culture are addressed, including vivid details about the lives of Muhammad Ali, John Coltrane, Marcus Garvey, Jackie Robinson, John Brown, and Harriet Tubman.Here, too, are general articles on poetry, fiction, and drama; on autobiography, slave narratives, Sunday School literature, and oratory; as well as on a wide spectrum of related topics. Compact yet thorough, this handy volume gathers works from a vast array of sources--from the black periodical press to women's clubs--making it one of the most substantial guides available on the growing, exciting world of African American literature.

Compact yet thorough, this handy volume gathers works from a vast array of sources--from the black periodical press to women's clubs--making it one of the most substantial guides available on the growing, exciting world of African American ...

The Oxford Guide to Ideas & Issues of the Bible

In this informative volume, dozens of eminent scholars explore how the Bible has influenced religious, ethical, artistic and philosophical traditions in more than 200 entries.

In this informative volume, dozens of eminent scholars explore how the Bible has influenced religious, ethical, artistic and philosophical traditions in more than 200 entries.

The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity

Illustrations and essays provide a chronological look at the changing concepts of Christianity

Illustrations and essays provide a chronological look at the changing concepts of Christianity