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Kamus Bahasa Indonesia

Edisi Revisi

Seringkali kita merasa bingung dengan arti sebuah kata. Bahkan kita juga sering menemukan istilah-istilah yang terasa asing di telinga kita. Untuk memecahkan persoalan itu, kamus adalah pilihan yang tepat. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Revisi ini merupakan pembaharuan dari kamus Bahasa Indonesia yang diterbitkan Indonesia Tera sebelumnya. Disusun secara lengkap dan praktis, sehingga mudah dipelajari, dan akan membuat kita bersemangat untuk bermain-main dengan arti kata. -Indonesia Tera-

... tidak waras berurai air mata: menangis terus-menerus besar hati: bangga; mau
menerima kritik; sombong/angkuh besar hidung: bangga; sombong besar kalang
: penakut besar kecek: besar cakap besar kepala: keras kepala; sombong; ...

Kamus Bahasa Indonesia untuk Pelajar, Mahasiswa, dan Umum

Kosakata atau istilah-istilah dalam berbagai bidang ilmu, terus berkembang dan bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan kamus untuk menerjemahkan dan mencari padanan katanya. Selain itu, kamus juga berperan dalam menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan, memperkaya bahasa, dan sarana berkomunikasi. Kamus bahasa Indonesia ini memuat ribuan kosakata, baik kosakata ilmiah maupun populer, lengkap dengan definisi dan arti yang lengkap dan padat. Selain itu, untuk memudahkan pemahaman, kamus ini juga dilengkapi dengan kelas kata dan turunan kata. Jadi tepat jika kamus ini dijadikan pegangan oleh para pelajar, mahasiswa, dan masyarakat umum. -RuangKata-

MAHASISWA, DAN UMUM Ragam Istilah dari I Berbagai Disiplin Ilmu A Memuat
Definisi yang I Jelas dan Padat Memuat Ragam Istilah I < . Ilmiah dan Populer ...

Buku induk manajemen SDM-human capital syariah

Management of human resources in Indonesia from Islamic perspectives.

Management of human resources in Indonesia from Islamic perspectives.

Pengantar Manajemen Keuangan

Android Apps for Absolute Beginners

Anybody can start building multimedia apps for the Android platform, and this book will show you how! Now updated to include both Android 4.4 and the new Android L, Android Apps for Absolute Beginners, Third Edition takes you through the process of getting your first Android apps up and running using plain English and practical examples. If you have a great idea for an Android app, but have never programmed before, then this book is for you. This book cuts through the fog of jargon and mystery that surrounds Android apps development, and gives you simple, step-by-step instructions to get you started. Teaches Android application development in language anyone can understand, giving you the best possible start in Android development Provides simple, step-by-step examples that make learning easy, allowing you to pick up the concepts without fuss Offers clear code descriptions and layout so that you can get your apps running as soon as possible This book covers both Android 4.4 (KitKat) and Android L, but is also backwards compatible to cover the previous Android releases since Android 1.5.

Since Android Studio 0.8.2 came out as I was writing this chapter, I will show you
how the update process works. But first, I will show you how to install Android
Studio and take a tour of some of its features, as well as show you how to create
a ...

Living in the Lyte

Lessons on Life, Love, and Truth

Lana "MC Lyte: Moorer pens her most poignant and transparent thoughts to date about her journey as a woman, entertainer, artist, friend, sister, daughter, and child of God.In a form true to her reputation of sharing knowledge through the art of words, MC Lyte shares some of her greatest triumphs and trials with dignity and poise. Living in the Lyte is a powerful work of art and a how-to-guide for those who want to get or stay on the path of truth, embrace the power of love, and live in the light of God's grace.

Living in the Lyte is a powerful work of art and a how-to-guide for those who want to get or stay on the path of truth, embrace the power of love, and live in the light of God's grace.

The Secret to Peak Productivity

A Simple Guide to Reaching Your Personal Best

In this constantly-connected, do-more-with-less world, being able to increase your productivity is a real advantage. Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®) and productivity expert Tamara Myles has developed a simple model—the Productivity Pyramid—which provides an actionable framework for anyone to achieve better results. Based on a sequence of steps leading to peak performance, the author’s easily adapt able system consists of five levels: • Physical Organization: from decluttering to filing—fool-proof strategies for handling incoming papers and ensuring information remains accessible • Electronic Organization: from dealing with email to electronic file management options such as cloud computing • Time Management: mastering the three P’s—Plan, Prioritize, and Perform • Activity-Goal Alignment: breaking objectives into specific, relevant, and measurable daily tasks • Possibility: identifying new life and business goals that will help you reach your greatest potential Since no single solution will work for everyone, The Secret to Peak Productivity helps you tailor your own personal plan. First, a quick assessment determines your strengths and weaknesses and pinpoints where to focus for immediate results. Then, as you reach each productivity level, you will find a range of potential strategies—allowing you to choose the ones that are right for you for truly remarkable results.

Based on a sequence of steps leading to peak performance, the author’s easily adapt able system consists of five levels: • Physical Organization: from decluttering to filing—fool-proof strategies for handling incoming papers and ...


Explaining the Complicated So Anyone Can Understand

In our increasingly complicated and data-driven world, many new developments are so complex that only experts comprehend their nuances. But what they don't grasp is how to tell the world about them. Communicating technical content to nontechnical listeners has fast become a critical 21st-century skill. Explaining what you do and why it's important drives funding, policy decisions, media exposure, public awareness, and customer adoption. This groundbreaking guide will help anyone to deliver clear, persuasive messages that win hearts, minds, and budgets. Supercommunicator explains how to: ● Distill details and data into big ideas ● Deliver meaning to audiences ● Use storytelling to captivate and educate ● Humanize content to make complicated ideas more tangible ● Layer harder ideas on top of easier ideas ● Strip away complex language, jargon, and acronyms ● Use analogies to explain unfamiliar areas ● Master new digital modes of expression ● And more Enhanced with a wealth of examples--from how the National Academy of Sciences used audience research to improve the way evolution is taught, to how NASA incorporated cutting-edge tools to visualize issues in climatology--this one-of-a-kind book reveals how to make the complex comprehensible, and the dry deeply compelling.

This groundbreaking guide will help anyone to deliver clear, persuasive messages that win hearts, minds, and budgets.

Data Crush

How the Information Tidal Wave Is Driving New Business Opportunities

The Internet used to be a tool for telling your customers about your business. Now its real value lies in what it tells you about them. Every move your customers make online can be tracked, catalogued, and analyzed to better understand their preferences and predict their future behavior. And with mobile technology like smartphones, customers are online almost every second of every day. The companies that succeed going forward will be those that learn to leverage this torrent of information—without being drowned by it. Balancing examples from giants like Amazon, Home Depot, and Ford with newer players like Rovio, Groupon, and scores of niche-market winners, Data Crush examines the forces behind the explosive growth in data and reveals how the most innovative companies are responding to this challenge. The book clarifies the key drivers: the proliferation of “big data” generated by a never-ending range of online activities (and the mobility that enables much of it); the seemingly infinite array of digital commerce and entertainment pathways; and the rising growth of Cloud computing. These and other factors combine to create an overwhelming universe of valuable information—all constantly updated in real time with billions of mouse clicks each day. It’s daunting, but with this onslaught of information comes tremendous opportunity—and Data Crush will help you make sense of it all.

The book clarifies the key drivers: the proliferation of “big data” generated by a never-ending range of online activities (and the mobility that enables much of it); the seemingly infinite array of digital commerce and entertainment ...