Sebanyak 181 item atau buku ditemukan

Academic Freedom in Indonesia

Dismantling Soeharto-era Barriers

IV. political background checks

V. BOOK CENSORSHIP By one estimate, over 2,000 books were banned by the
New Order government.91 Under a law still in effect, all works which, in the view
of the Attorney General, "could disturb public order" are subject to censorship.92
Under this law, hundreds of novels, historical studies, religious tracts, and books
on political and social controversies have been banned, including scholarly
works on subjects from early twentieth century social movements, to liberation
theology, ...

Gender, State and Social Power in Contemporary Indonesia

Divorce and Marriage Law

This book examines gender, state and social power in Indonesia, focusing in particular on state regulation of divorce from 1965 to 2005 and its impact on women. Indonesia experienced high divorce rates in the 1950s and 1960s, followed by a remarkable decline. Already falling divorce rates were reinforced by the 1974 Marriage Law, which for the first time regulated marriage for both Muslim and non-Muslim Indonesians and restricted access to divorce. This law defined the roles of men and women in Indonesian society, vesting household leadership with husbands and the management of the household with wives. Drawing on a wide selection of primary sources, including court records, legal codes, newspaper reports, fiction, interviews and case studies, this book provides a detailed historical account of this period of important social change, exploring fully the impact and operation of state regulation of divorce, including the New Order government’s aims in enacting this legal framework, its effects in practice and how it was utilised by citizens (both men and women) to advance their own agendas. It argues that the Marriage Law was a tool of social control enacted by the New Order government in response to the social upheaval and protests experienced in the mid 1970s. However, it also shows that state power was not hegemonic: it was both contested and co-opted by citizens, with men and women enjoying different degrees of autonomy from the state. This book explores all of these issues, providing important insights on the nature of the New Order regime, social power and gender relations, both during the years of its rule and since its collapse.

... Jakarta:Badan KesejahteraanMasjid (BKM) Pusat,1992–3, 407–17. 'Instruksi
Presiden 9/2000 Tentang Pengarusutamaan Gender Dalam Pembangunan
Nasional', Himpunan Peraturan PerundangUndangan Republik Indonesia Tahun

Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia

Implementation and Challenges

In 1999, Indonesia embarked on a reform of regional governance that brings self-governance to rural districts and municipalities, i.e., the administrative and democratic capacity needed to apply basic services like healthcare, national legislation and environment policies. This edited volume is the first book, which not only deals with the 1999 legislation but also shows how the deficiencies and contradictions of this legislation reduced implementation between 2001 and 2004 to a try-out. The...

20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pembinaan dan Pengawasan Atas Penyelenggaraan
Pemerintah Daerah. Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan
Daerah. Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2000 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan ...

Governance in Indonesia

Challenges Facing the Megawati Presidency

When Megawati Soekarnoputri became the President of Indonesia in July 2001, there were strong expectations. But so far, fundamental economic and political reforms have yet to be undertaken. The deadly Bali bombings on 12 October 2002 presented a wake-up call for the Megawati government. Terrorism on an international scale had now hit home. Now, more than ever, there is greater urgency on the part of the Megawati government to tackle the myriad of political and economic problems plaguing the country. This volume features some of the major issues that faced the Megawati government even before the devastating Bali attacks. The contributors include academics, practitioners and activists, offering a diversity of views.

Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 Tentang Pengadilan Hak
Asasi Manusia [Indonesian Republic Law No. 26 Year 2000 Concerning Human
Rights Courts Act] (Jakarta: B.P. Panca Usaha, 2000). 59. See Chapter 8, Article
43 ...

Undang-Undang Pilkada: Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota

PILKADA merupakan pesta demokrasi terbesar bagi negara Indonesia. Sebagai warga negara Indonesia, wajib hukumnya untuk memiliki pemahaman mendalam mengenai PILKADA. Buku ini berisi Undang-Undang PILKADA terbaru dan terupdate, Selain itu, buku ini dilengkapi juga dengan peraturan-peraturan mekanisme pelaksanaan PILKADA baik peraturan lama maupun peraturan terbaru. Buku ini akan menuntun Anda untuk memahami pelaksanaan PILKADA secara lengkap dan tuntas. Sehingga Anda akan mengikuti pelaksanaan Pilkada dengan baik. Dengan begitu anda ikut perpartisipasi dengan aktif dan baik dalam pesta demokrasi Negara. Buku ini cocok juga untuk pemilih pemula.

... 4) Tidak sedang dicabut hak pilihnya berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang
telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap dari ... memiliki tanggungan utang
secara perseorangan dan/atau secara badan hukum yang menjadi
tanggungjawabnya ...

Undang-Undang No 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dan Perubahannya

Buku terbitan dari VisiMedia Pustaka ini dilengkapi dengan : - Bagan pemerintahan Daerah, - Sejarah Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah di Indonesia (mulai UU No 1 Tahun 1945 sampai UU No 9 Tahun 2009). - Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, - Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, - Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan daerah menjadi Undang-Undang, - Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 9 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. #UndangUndang #UndangUndangPemda #Peraturan #PeraturanPemerintah #PemerintahanDaerah #DPRD #Pemerintah Daerah #KepalaDaerah #APBD #SejarahUndangUndangPemda

Buku terbitan dari VisiMedia Pustaka ini dilengkapi dengan : - Bagan pemerintahan Daerah, - Sejarah Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah di Indonesia (mulai UU No 1 Tahun 1945 sampai UU No 9 Tahun 2009).

Input-output Economics

This collection of writings provides the only comprehensive introduction to the input-output model for which Leontief was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1973. The structural approach to economics developed by Leontief, and known as input-output analysis, paved the way for the transformation of economics into a truly empirical discipline that could utilize modern data processing technology. This thoroughly revised second edition includes twenty essays--twelve of which are new to this edition--that reflect the past developments and the present state of the field. Beginning with an introductory chapter, the book leads the reader into an understanding of the input-output approach--not only as formal theory but also as a research strategy and powerful tool for dealing with a complex modern economy.

This collection of writings provides the only comprehensive introduction to the input-output model for which Leontief was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1973.

Anatomy of Terror: From the Death of bin Laden to the Rise of the Islamic State

A compelling, definitive account of how and why bin Laden’s ideology keeps rising from the dead. In early 2011, the heart of the Muslim world roiled in protest, consumed with the upheaval of the Arab Spring. The governments of Tunisia and Egypt had already fallen; those of Libya and Yemen would soon follow. Watching the chaos from his hideout in Pakistan, Osama bin Laden saw a historic opportunity: “the next stage,” he declared, “will be the reinstating of the rule of the caliphate.” Within weeks, bin Laden was dead, shot in the dark by a U.S. Navy SEAL. Commentators around the world began to prophesy al-Qaeda’s imminent demise. But six years later, the reality is the reverse. The group’s affiliates have swollen, and the Islamic State—al-Qaeda’s most brutal spinoff to date—proclaims itself the reborn caliphate bin Laden foretold in his final weeks. In Anatomy of Terror, former FBI special agent and New York Times best-selling author Ali Soufan dissects bin Laden’s brand of jihadi terrorism and its major offshoots, revealing how these organizations were formed, how they operate, their strengths, and—crucially—their weaknesses. This riveting account examines the new Islamic radicalism through the eyes of its flag-bearers, including a Jordanian former drug dealer whose cruelties shocked even his fellow militants, an Air Force colonel who once served Saddam Hussein, and a provincial bookworm who declared himself caliph of all Muslims. We meet Ayman al-Zawahiri, titular head of al-Qaeda; Saif al-Adel, an Egyptian ex-soldier who faked his own death to become the group’s security chief; and bin Laden’s own beloved son Hamza, a prime candidate to lead the organization his late father founded. To eliminate the scourge of terrorism, we must first know who the enemy actually is, and what his motivations are. Anatomy of Terror lays bare the psychology and inner workings of al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, and their spawn, and shows how the spread of terror can be stopped.

Yousafzai, Malala, 299 Yousef, Ramzi, 55, 63–64, 84–85 Yugoslavia, 117
Yusufiyah, 57 Zaidan, Ahmad, 18, 19 zakat (charity), 9 Zalewski, Piotr, 224 Zangi,
Nur ad-Din, 113–14, 148, 263 Zarqa, 110, 114–17, 118, 158 Zarqawi, Abu
Musab al-, ...

The Delphic Oracle on Europe

Is There a Future for the European Union?

After more than 50 years of European integration the 'old continent' finds itself today once again at a crossroads. The Delphic Oracle on Europe deals with the most relevant and contentious issues related to the European Union's way forward in times of global crisis and profound change.

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department
of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in
research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New ...

Saat-Saat Terakhir Bersama Soeharto

Di manakah letak kita, para rakyat kecil yang tak berdaya ini? Di koran, di televisi, mereka semua berbicara dengan gagah dan patriotik. Namun, fokus pembicaraan mereka kebanyakan tentang tema-tema "pembagian kekuasaan" atau "perebutan kekuasaan". Hampir tak ada yang kita rasakan hatinya mencintai kita, yang memfokuskan perhatiannya pada apakah kita akan kelaparan atau tidak. *** Mei 1998 merupakan tonggak penting bagi perubahan nasib bangsa Indonesia. Soeharto mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya sebagai Presiden setelah 32 tahun berkuasa. Sebagai pemimpin, Soeharto terlalu ditakuti sehingga tak seorang pun mampu mendebatnya. Negara macam apa yang tetap mempertahankan ketakutan rakyat terhadap pemimpinnya? Buku ini merekam upaya-upaya dan dialog yang dilakukan Emha Ainun Nadjib dan para tokoh reformis lainnya dengan pemerintah dalam membuka jalan menuju Indonesia yang lebih demokratis. Tak hanya sekadar menurunkan Soeharto dari posisi puncaknya, buku ini juga menjadi catatan sejarah bagi silang sengkarutnya kondisi Indonesia ketika perebutan kekuasaan pasca-reformasi terjadi. Ketika sosok-sosok yang awalnya disebut pahlawan, berbalik ingkar secara mengejutkan saat berhadapan dengan kekuasaan. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Cak Nun, Istana, Negara, Indonesia]

Buku ini merekam upaya-upaya dan dialog yang dilakukan Emha Ainun Nadjib dan para tokoh reformis lainnya dengan pemerintah dalam membuka jalan menuju Indonesia yang lebih demokratis.