Sebanyak 181 item atau buku ditemukan

Field Notes from a Catastrophe

Climate Change - Is Time Running Out?

The world has known about global warming since the late 1970s, yet little has been done to halt it. The threat, if we fail, is nothing less than catastrophe - the flooding of coastal communities, the extinction of species and entry into a climate regime of which humans have no experience. Exploring the relationship between what we know and what we refuse to know, Elizabeth Kolbert takes us on an urgent journey from the Arctic to Central America, interviewing researchers, environmentalists and traditional Inuits whose lives have already been dramatically altered by climate change.

Exploring the relationship between what we know and what we refuse to know, Elizabeth Kolbert takes us on an urgent journey from the Arctic to Central America, interviewing researchers, environmentalists and traditional Inuits whose lives ...

Failed States and Institutional Decay

Understanding Instability and Poverty in the Developing World

What do we mean by failed states and why is this concept important to study? The failed states?? literature is important because it aims to understand how state institutions (or lack thereof) impact conflict, crime, coups, terrorism and economic performance. In spite of this objective, the failed state?? literature has not focused enough on how institutions operate in the developing world. This book unpacks the state, by examining the administrative, security, judicial and political institutions separately. By doing so, the book offers a more comprehensive and clear picture of how the state functions or does not function in the developing world, merging the failed state and institutionalist literatures. Rather than merely describing states in crisis, this book explains how and why different types of institutions deteriorate. Moreover, the book illustrates the impact that institutional decay has on political instability and poverty using examples not only from Africa but from all around the world.

This book unpacks the state, by examining the administrative, security, judicial and political institutions separately.

Open Source Intelligence in a Networked World

The amount of publicly and often freely available information is staggering. Yet, the intelligence community still continues to collect and use information in the same manner as during WWII, when the OSS set out to learn as much as possible about Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan by scrutinizing encyclopedias, guide books, and short-wave radio. Today, the supply of information is greater than any possible demand, and anyone can provide information. In effect, intelligence analysts are drowning in information. The book explains how to navigate this rising flood and make best use of these new, rich sources of information. Written by a pioneer in the field, it explores the potential uses of digitized data and the impact of the new means of creating and transmitting data, recommending to the intelligence community new ways of collecting and processing information. This comprehensive overview of the world of open source intelligence will appeal not only to practitioners and students of intelligence, but also to anyone interested in communication and the challenges posed by the information age.

In effect, intelligence analysts are drowning in information. The book explains how to navigate this rising flood and make best use of these new, rich sources of information.


Crime, Police Power, and Democracy in Argentina

This study of police governance draws on over ninety interviews conducted with Argentine police officers. In Argentina, a rising fear of crime has led to the politics of Seguridad, a concept that amalgamates personal safety with state security. As a new governing rationale, Seguridad is strengthening forms of police intervention that weaken the democracy. As they target crime, the police have the power to deny rights, deciding whether an individual is a citizen or a criminal suspect - the latter often being attributed to members of vulnerable groups. This study brings together key issues of governance that involve the police, democracy, and the quality of citizenship. It sheds light on how the police act as gatekeepers of citizenship and administrators of rights and law. Here, the rhetoric of Seguridad is seen as an ideological framework that masks inequality and unites "good" citizens. Seguridad shows how police practices should be part of our understanding of regimes and will appeal to anyone concerned with security forces, as well as researchers in democratic theory and Latin American politics.

Seguridad shows how police practices should be part of our understanding of regimes and will appeal to anyone concerned with security forces, as well as researchers in democratic theory and Latin American politics.

Existential Utopia

New Perspectives on Utopian Thought

Radical political thought of the 20th century was dominated by utopia, but the failure of communism in Eastern Europe and its disavowal in China has brought on the need for a new model of utopian thought. This book thus seeks to redefine the concept of utopia and bring it to bear on today's politics. The original essays, contributed by key thinkers such as Gianni Vattimo and Jean-Luc Nancy, highlight the connection between utopian theory and practice. The book reassesses the legacy of utopia and conceptualizes alternatives to the neo-liberal, technocratic regimes prevalent in today's world. It argues that only utopia in its existential sense, grounded in the lived time and space of politics, can distance itself from mainstream ideology and not be at the service of technocratic regimes, while paying attention to the material conditions of human life. Existential Utopia offers a new and exciting interpretation of utopia in contemporary culture and a much-needed intervention into the philosophical and political discussion of utopian thinking that is both accessible to students and comprehensive.

This book thus seeks to redefine the concept of utopia and bring it to bear on today's politics.

21st-Century Diplomacy

A Practitioners Guide

In the 21st century, new kinds of challenges resulting from interdependence among states and globalization have had a determining impact of the conduct of diplomacy. Diplomacy has become multifaceted, pluri-directional, volatile and intensive, due to the increased complexity in terms of actors, dialogues subjects, modes of communication, and plurality of objectives. This unique text, written by a leading scholar and Foreign Service expert, examines all such factors to provide the definitive guide to diplomacy as it is practiced today. With a multitude of examples from around the world, including the US, UK, EU, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the book covers the spectrum of diplomacy practice, including regional diplomacy, diplomacy of small states, performance management, handling of decisions and crisis, use of information technology, and reform in foreign ministries. Also included are chapters on craft skills and practical exercises. 21st Century Diplomacy will be essential to anyone learning diplomacy, and will also support courses in international relations, foreign policy, and intercultural communication.

This unique text, written by a leading scholar and Foreign Service expert, examines all such factors to provide the definitive guide to diplomacy as it is practiced today.

Pemekaran daerah

politik lokal & beberapa isu terseleksi

On local government autonomy in Indonesia; collected articles.

Anggota kehormatan seperti Sigit Haryo Wibisono dan Artalyta Suryani dianggap
oleh kubu Muhaimin sebagai 'terlalu cepat berkuasa' di DPP PKB hanya karena
faktor besarnya sumbangan mereka dalam ikut mendanai PKB, dan karena ...

Buku Pintar Pekerja Terkena PHK

Menghadapi pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah. Seringkali pekerja tidak mendapatkan apa yang menjadi ahkanya dan mengabaikan kewajibannya ketika mengalami PHK, karena hanya memerhatikan perjanjian kerja. Padahal banyak ketentuan mengenai PHK yang perlu diketahui pekerja, baik melalui peraturan perusahaan maupun peraturan perundang-undangan. Banyak hal yang perlu dicari tahu oleh pekerja yang di-PHK, di antaranya apakah alasan dan proses PHK yang dialami pekerja sudah sesuai aturan hukum? Apakah kompensasi PHK yang diterima pekerja sudah termasuk pesangon, uang penghargaan masa kerja, uang penggantian hak, atau uang pisah? Apa yang harus dilakukan jika ada perselisihan atas PHK? Apakah pekerja berhak atas surat keterangan kerja? Apa syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk mencairkan dana JHT setelah mengalami PHK? Kewajiban apa yang harus dilakukan oleh pekerja sebelum keluar dari tempat kerja? Buku ini memberikan jawaban, solusi, dan pengetahuan mengenai langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan oleh pekerja ketika menghadapi PHK. Dalam buku ini juga dijabarkan tahapan yang harus ditempuh untuk menyelesaikan hak dan kewajiban di tempat kerja lama, cara melihat kesempatan yang terbuka di tempat lain dan mengembangkan potensi diri, cara menentukan dan mengatur prioritas keuangan, hal-hal yang harus dilakukan jika hendak melamar pekerjaan lagi, sampai poin penting yang harus dilakukan saat memutuskan untuk berwirausaha. Putusan PHK bukanlah akhir perjalanan karier Anda. erdas dan bijaklah dalam menghadapi PHK dan rencanakanlah masa depan dengan lebih baik. Selamat membaca! Sebuah buku terbitan dari VisiMedia Pustaka yang membahas tentang PHK, Pekerja, Uang Pisah, Pesangon, Buruh, Hukum, Hukum Buruh, JHT, Karier, sukses #KetenagakerjaanVisimedia #eBookIBF

Oleh karena itu, saya memohon maaf kepada seluruh karyawan dan manajemen
PT Xyz, jika terdapat kesalahan atau kekeliruan selama saya bekerja di PT Xyz.
Saya berharap PT Xyz terus berkembang dan selalu menjadi yang terbaik.

Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics

From Majlesi to Ahmadinejad

A superstitious reading of the world based on religion may be harmless at a private level, yet employed as a political tool it can have more sinister implications. As this fascinating book by Ali Rahnema, a distinguished Iranian intellectual, relates, superstition and mystical beliefs have endured and influenced ideology and political strategy in Iran from the founding of the Safavid dynasty in the sixteenth century to the present day. As Rahnema demonstrates through a close reading of the Persian sources and with examples from contemporary Iranian politics, it is this supposed connectedness to the hidden world that has allowed leaders such as Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and Mahmud Ahmadinejad to present themselves and their entourage as representatives of the divine, and their rivals as the embodiment of evil.

As soon as they leave, Khomeyni asks his son Ahmad to tell them, “Charlatans,
stop doing these things”.223 According to another account, a woman claiming to
have been visited by the Hidden Imam tries ... 225 R. Khomeyni, Sahifeh Nur, vol.