Sebanyak 85 item atau buku ditemukan

Pasti Bisa Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX

Untuk versi cetak, silakan kunjungi link: Seri buku PASTI BISA merupakan buku pengayaan yang disusun berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini berisi materi dan soal-soal latihan untuk membantu siswa menghadapi ulangan harian dan ulangan akhir semester. Buku yang membantu siswa mempersiapkan diri agar sukses meraih nilai tinggi ini disusun dengan sistematika sebagai berikut. • Berisi ringkasan materi pelajaran sesuai Kompetensi Inti (KI) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) dalam Kurikulum 2013. • Dilengkapi contoh-contoh soal pada setiap subbab yang dibahas secara gamblang dan mudah dipahami (belajar melalui contoh). • Dilengkapi soal-soal latihan yang komprehensif di bagian akhir bab untuk menguji pemahaman materi di setiap bab. • Dilengkapi soal-soal Penilaian Hasil Belajar Semester 1 dan Penilaian Hasil Belajar Semester 2 sebagai latihan untuk menghadapi ulangan akhir semester. Seri PASTI BISA membantu mencapai kesuksesan meraih nilai tinggi pada ulangan harian dan ulangan akhir semester.

Untuk versi cetak, silakan kunjungi link: Seri buku PASTI BISA merupakan buku pengayaan yang disusun ...

Bunga rampai ekonomi, bisnis & manajemen Islami

Untuk sampai pada lembaga yang lebih permanen sebenarnya kita dapat
memulai embrionya dengan mencoba mendirikan lembaga ekonomi ( lembaga
keuangan ) umat dalam bentuk skala kecil , di wilayah kita , dalam keluarga
besar kita ...

Mengolah Limbah Organik Menjadi Pakan Ternak untuk Program Penggemukan Sapi, Kambing, Unggas, Ikan

Invisible Profits: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service

Who will benefit from this customer service book "Invisible Profits: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service." Everyone who has any interaction with potential customers and clients and existing customers and clients will benefit from this valuable customer service book. In this complete guide to exceptional customer service you will learn: (a) How to know exactly what your customer expects - and how to give it to them every time. (b) How exceptional customer service generates exceptional profits- and how to train this concept to your customer service team (c) How to create a positive work environment that benefits customers and employees and generates profits (d) How to manage stressful situations more effectively- you'll even learn how to deal with difficult coworkers ! (e) How to recognize customers' signs and behaviors so that you can meet their needs before they even know what they are. (f) Key tactics that will instantly calm emotional customers so you can solve their problems productively. Customers leave happy and become lifelong, loyal purchasers. Here are just some employment positions within corporations and small businesses that will benefit from this book: customer service representatives, billing specialists, call centers, service professionals, service professional firms, retail stores, field service representatives, account managers, sales professionals, small business owners, technical and support personnel and managers who want customer service training in order to reinforce their skills and train their staff.

Who will benefit from this customer service book "Invisible Profits: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service.


ملفات كشمير [انكليزي]

He projected the advent of Mauryans to be the beginning of era of subordination
of Kashmir, leaving no justification for not extending the occupation of Kashmir to
the advent of Kashyap Rishi. Kashyap Rishi, according to both chronicles, Raj ...