Sebanyak 67 item atau buku ditemukan

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates

Teaching your students has never been easier than with ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 ILLUSTRATED. This reader-friendly book presents each skill on two facing pages, providing detailed instructions on the left-hand page and large, full-color screenshots on the right page. The visual format helps students intuitively grasp the concepts in the book and apply them to the classroom and workplace environment. Now, stay current with Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud coverage available online through The online Creative Cloud content updates are for the June 2013 release of Adobe Creative Cloud. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This reader-friendly book presents each skill on two facing pages, providing detailed instructions on the left-hand page and large, full-color screenshots on the right page.

Spektrum komunikasi

Communication from the Indonesian viewpoint; papers.

Yang dikhawatirkan ialah dengan dijadikannya pers sebagai ladang oleh orang-
orang bisnis yang non-pers, akan menimbulkan "giantism" seperti yang terjadi di
Amerika, pada waktu mana surat kabar, majalah, bahkan radio dan televisi di ...

The Psychology of Consumer Behavior

After years of study in the area of consumer behavior, Mullen and Johnson bring together a broad survey of small answers to a big question: "Why do consumers do what they do?" This book provides an expansive, accessible presentation of current psychological theory and research as it illuminates fundamental issues regarding the psychology of consumer behavior. The authors hypothesize that an improved understanding of consumer behavior could be employed to more successfully influence consumers' use of products, goods, and services. At the same time, an improved understanding of consumer behavior might be used to serve as an advocate for consumers in their interactions in the marketplace.

The view of consumer behavior presented up to this point is one of complex
interactions. However, this view of consumer behavior has also been one of
unidirectional and atemporal or timeless influence. This view has been
unidirectional in ...

Sejarah dan perkembangan desain dan dunia kesenirupaan di Indonesia

Development of art design in Indonesia.

Namun, di sisi lain pada tahun 80-an, dunia arsitektur Indonesia telah mencatat
prestasi tersendiri, sebagaimana digambarkan dalam buku ke-I dan ke-2 Karya
Arsitektur Arsitek Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia tahun

Firm Decision Making Under Financial Distress: A Study of United States Air Fares and an Analysis of Inventories in U.S. Manufacturing Industries

In summary, this research significantly enhances researchers' understanding of why, how, and when firm financial distress affects prices and inventories.

The change of firms' Distress during bankruptcy is illustrated in Figure 9: For each
possible state with respect to bankruptcy, the airlines' unweighted mean Distress
scores are graphed. The averages are computed for all carriers and across all ...

Terampil Bersahabat dengan Siapa Saja

Rasulullah saw. bertanya, "Maukah kalian kuberitahu sesuatu yang lebih utama daripada shalat, puasa, dan sedekah?” Mereka menjawab, “Tentu mau.” Beliau bersabda, “Yaitu memperbaiki hubungan dengan sesama." "Tetapi," lanjutnya, “dengan perkataan buruk, semua itu sirna.” Nabi saw. juga menuturkan, "Sedekah paling utama adalah menjalin hubungan baik dengan sesama." " Berdasarkan inspirasi Al-Quran dan kisah nyata dari kehidupan Rasulullah dan ulama salaf, Imam al-Ghazali mengungkap rahasia sukses mencari, membina, dan membentuk persahabatan dan persaudaraan sejati. Diterbitkan oleh penerbit Serambi Ilmu Semesta" (Serambi Group)

" " Berdasarkan inspirasi Al-Quran dan kisah nyata dari kehidupan Rasulullah dan ulama salaf, Imam al-Ghazali mengungkap rahasia sukses mencari, membina, dan membentuk persahabatan dan persaudaraan sejati.