Sebanyak 67 item atau buku ditemukan

ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Pocket Guide

This resource provides a complete and comprehensive reference for the ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Framework, appropriate for developers, veterans, and novices alike. (Computer Books)

This resource provides a complete and comprehensive reference for the ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Framework, appropriate for developers, veterans, and novices alike. (Computer Books)

Manajemen Resiko Bagi Bank Umum

KARAKTERISTIK " OTHER RISK " Tiga risiko yang digolongkan dalam " other risks " adalah : ✦ risiko bisnis ( business risk ) , risiko strategis ( strategic risk ) , risiko reputasi ( reputational risk ) . Risiko bisnis Risiko bisnis ...

Simulation-Based Case Studies in Logistics

Education and Applied Research

“Simulation-based Case Studies in Logistics” presents an intensive learning course on the application of simulation as a decision support tool to tackle complex logistic problems. The book describes and illustrates different approaches to developing simulation models at the right abstraction level to be used efficiently by engineers when dealing with strategic, tactical or operational decisions in logistic systems. 11 simulation-based case studies in logistics and supply chain management are discussed, based on the results of applied research, covering application areas such as production logistics, warehousing, transportation, material flow management, and hospital logistics. “Simulation-based Case Studies in Logistics” is an essential text for postgraduate engineering students and researchers working in the area of logistics modeling and simulation.

In: Proc 18th European simulation multiconference 'networked simulation and
simulated networks', pp 327–333 [3] Harrell CR, Ghosh BK, Bowden RO (2004)
Simulation using ProModel, 2nd edn. McGraw- Hill, New York [4] Merkuryeva G, ...

Deploying IPv6 in Broadband Access Networks

This book bridges a gap in the literature by providing coverage of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), specifically in broadband access networks.

Saving God's Reputation

The Theological Function of Pistis Iesou in the Cosmic Narratives of Revelation

This book pursues the conviction that the cosmic conflict imagery in Revelation is the primary and controlling element in the account of the aspiration of the Roman Empire and the imperial cult in Asia Minor

This book pursues the conviction that the cosmic conflict imagery in Revelation is the primary and controlling element in the account of the aspiration of the Roman Empire and the imperial cult in Asia Minor

Solusi Praktis & Mudah SPSS 20 untuk Pengolahan Data