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Beyond the Internet of Things

Everything Interconnected

The major subjects of the book cover modeling, analysis and efficient management of information in Internet of Everything (IoE) applications and architectures. As the first book of its kind, it addresses the major new technological developments in the field and will reflect current research trends, as well as industry needs. It comprises of a good balance between theoretical and practical issues, covering case studies, experience and evaluation reports and best practices in utilizing IoE applications. It also provides technical/scientific information about various aspects of IoE technologies, ranging from basic concepts to research grade material, including future directions.

The major subjects of the book cover modeling, analysis and efficient management of information in Internet of Everything (IoE) applications and architectures.

Internet of Things

Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems

The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of the Internet of Things (IoT) from the research and development priorities to enabling technologies, architecture, security, privacy, interoperability and industrial applications. It is intended to be a stand-alone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster - from technology to international cooperation and the global "state of play." The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and presents views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, development and deployment of IoT at the global level. Today we see the integration of Industrial, Business and Consumer Internet which is bringing together the Internet of People, Internet of Things, Internet of Energy, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Media, Services and Enterprises in forming the backbone of the digital economy, the digital society and the foundation for the future knowledge and innovation based economy. These developments are supporting solutions for the emerging challenges of public health, aging population, environmental protection and climate change, the conservation of energy and scarce materials, enhancements to safety and security and the continuation and growth of economic prosperity. Penetration of smartphones and advances in nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, wireless communication, software, and Cloud computing technology will be the main drivers for IoT development. The IoT contribution is seen in the increased value of information created by the number of interconnections among things and the transformation of the processed information into knowledge shared into the Internet of Everything. The connected devices are part of ecosystems connecting people, processes, data, and things which are communicating in the Cloud using the increased storage and computing power while attempting to standardize communication and metadata. In this context, the next generation of Cloud computing technologies will need to be flexible enough to scale autonomously, adaptive enough to handle constantly changing connections and resilient enough to stand up to the huge flows of data that will occur. In 2025, analysts forecast that there will be six devices per human on the planet, which means around 50 billion more connected devices over the next 12 years. The Internet of Things market is connected to this anticipated device growth from industrial Machine to Machine (M2M) systems, smart meters and wireless sensors. Internet of Things technology will generate new services and new interfaces by creating smart environments and smart spaces with applications ranging from Smart Cities, Smart Transport, Buildings, Energy, Grid, to Smart Health and Life.

The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of the Internet of Things (IoT) from the research and development priorities to enabling technologies, architecture, security, privacy, interoperability and industrial applications ...

Internet of Things

Evolutions and Innovations

The development of connected, communicating objects is showing no signs of slowing down. With an increasing number of objects available on the market, the evolution of the Internet of Things is leading to more and more fields being explored via information and communication sciences. This book analyzes the ecosystem of the Internet of Things by retracing the historical and technological context of the Internet's evolution from traditional to dynamic, social and semantic, and then towards this ecosystem of connected objects. The evolution of concepts surrounding the Internet of Things is explored via real-life examples of connected objects; both those used for specific functions and for more general everyday objects. Numerous issues associated with these new technological and digital transformations in a "hyperconnected" world, as well as the impact of the massive influx of connected objects, are discussed. The crucial questions of potential intrusion into the private lives of users as well that of security are then studied.

This book analyzes the ecosystem of the Internet of Things by retracing the historical and technological context of the Internet's evolution from traditional to dynamic, social and semantic, and then towards this ecosystem of connected ...

Internet of Things A to Z

Technologies and Applications

A comprehensive overview of the Internet of Things’ core concepts, technologies, and applications Internet of Things A to Z offers a holistic approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) model. The Internet of Things refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. Recently, there has been a rapid growth in research on IoT communications and networks, that confirms the scalability and broad reach of the core concepts. With contributions from a panel of international experts, the text offers insight into the ideas, technologies, and applications of this subject. The authors discuss recent developments in the field and the most current and emerging trends in IoT. In addition, the text is filled with examples of innovative applications and real-world case studies. Internet of Things A to Z fills the need for an up-to-date volume on the topic. This important book: Covers in great detail the core concepts, enabling technologies, and implications of the Internet of Things Addresses the business, social, and legal aspects of the Internet of Things Explores the critical topic of security and privacy challenges for both individuals and organizations Includes a discussion of advanced topics such as the need for standards and interoperability Contains contributions from an international group of experts in academia, industry, and research Written for ICT researchers, industry professionals, and lifetime IT learners as well as academics and students, Internet of Things A to Z provides a much-needed and comprehensive resource to this burgeoning field.

In addition, the text is filled with examples of innovative applications and real-world case studies. Internet of Things A to Z fills the need for an up-to-date volume on the topic.

Dulu O Android Studio Revelado

Neste livro estaremos abordando tudo sobre o Android Studio e as bases da programação em Android! Começando pelo básico e caminhando em direção ao avançado! Ensinarei você a instalar a baixar, e instalar o Java SDK e o Android Studio. Aqui trago imagens e códigos testados e executados durante a criação da obra; Códigos e imagens de cada componente do Android e da sua paleta usado aqui, onde abordo desde o início. Conhecerá o Android Studio, como criar um novo projeto, sua tela, menus, principal, superior, laterais, explorador de pastas, java, manifest, res / resources, drawable, layout, mipmap, values, colors, dimen’s, strings, styles, e Gradle. Depois começaremos uma viagem alucinante conhecendo quase todos os componentes da paleta; Deixando de fora apenas os Expert’s e Custom’s; Pois deixei pra outra hora em um livro para programadores avançados; Afinal aqui também já teremos um conteúdo muito grande e completo. Começando pelos Tipos de layouts, e seus usos, Frame Layout, Linear Layout Horizontal, Linear Layout Vertical, Table Layout e Table Row, Grid Layout, Relative Layout. Depois estudando os Widgets, TextView, Button, RadioButton, CheckBox, Switch, ToggleButton, ImageView, ProgressBar, SeekBar, RatingBar, Spinner e WebView. Aprenderemos aqui também sobre TextField e EditText. Avançando, estudamos os Containers, RadioGroup, ListView, ExpandableListView, ScrollView, SearchView, TabHost, SlidingDrawer, Gallery, VideoView, TwoLineListItem e DialerFilter. Quando chegarmos em Data e Hora; e aprenderemos sobre TextClock, AnalogClock, DigitalClock, Chronometer, DatePicker, TimePicker, CalendarView. Daí mostro a vocês o Logcat e suas páginas, Run, TODO, Android Monitor, Terminal, Messages, Event Log e Gradle Console. Mostro os Atalhos Laterais, e depois finalizo com um estudo sobre a estrutura de um Java Android, Package, Imports, Identificando Componentes do Java, Iniciando a Atividade Java, e falando sobre o OnCreate. Para Terminar o Estudo ensino como usar o Sqlite, Criar um AVD, Como Gerar o APK de Publicação e Instalação, e por último deixo algumas dicas! Bons Estudos!

Neste livro estaremos abordando tudo sobre o Android Studio e as bases da programação em Android!

Making Customer Satisfaction Happen

This book provides the focus for an organisation's Total Quality Management process; the achievement of `world-class' customer satisfaction. The book draws exclusively from actual case studies of world leading companies.

This book provides the focus for an organisation's Total Quality Management process; the achievement of `world-class' customer satisfaction. The book draws exclusively from actual case studies of world leading companies.

Membuat Pakan Ternak & Unggas dari Limbah Peternakan

Mahalnya harga pakan menjadi alasan para peternak mencari pakan alternatif untuk menekan biaya pakan. Saat ini, limbah ternak banyak terbuang “sia-sia”. Padahal, limbah ini bisa dijadikan bahan pakan untuk ternak dan unggas. Melalui penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dan rekan peneliti lainnya, olahan limbah sapi dapat digunakan sebagai pakan itik dan ayam petelur. Limbah ternak unggas juga dapat dijadikan bahan konsentrat untuk ruminansia. Bahkan, isi rumen bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan konsentrat. Melalui buku ini, penulis memaparkan teknis pengolahan kotoran ternak dan aplikasinya sehingga pertumbuhan ternak tetap optimal walaupun mengonsumsi limbah te ---------------------------------------- Meta description: Buku MEMBUAT PAKAN TERNAK DAN UNGGAS DARI LIMBAH PETERNAKAN Meta tag: ternak, unggas, kambing, sapi, domba, ayam, itik, bebek, puyuh, broiler, petelur, pakan, limbah peternakan, bisnis, pertanian, peternakan, agrobisnis, agribisnis Buku Persembahan Penerbit Agromedia Pustaka

Melalui buku ini, penulis memaparkan teknis pengolahan kotoran ternak dan aplikasinya sehingga pertumbuhan ternak tetap optimal walaupun mengonsumsi limbah te ---------------------------------------- Meta description: Buku MEMBUAT PAKAN ...

Analisis Economico Aplicado a la Industria Petrolera

Analisis economico aplicado a la industria del petroleo, en sus fases de exploracion, produccion, refinacion, transporte y mercadeo. Historia de la industria venezolana. A su tercer siglo continuo de uso global, los hidrocarburos siguen siendo hoy dia la fuente energetica mas importante. Por tal motivo, y dada la complejidad de las evaluaciones requeridas para acometer proyectos de esa naturaleza, proponemos un enfoque integral para su mejor comprension, desarrollando una teoria general de orientacion empirica que hemos denominado "Metodologia Envolvente," que considera la interaccion simultanea de tres conceptos fundamentales. En primer lugar, identificamos una instancia que denominamos "fuente de poder," en la cual se detectan las necesidades de ejecucion de proyectos, se evaluan apropiadamente y se proveen de los recursos necesarios, tanto humanos como de orden financiero, logistico, equipamiento, herramientas, materiales y hasta del tipo de energia requerida. En una segunda sala, analizaremos las "condiciones de entorno," que circundan, determinan y permiten la realizacion de proyectos en la industria de los hidrocarburos, tales como los factores geopoliticos y de mercado, los aspectos legislativos, impositivos, organizacionales y otros. El tercer concepto por considerar, de genero matematico, esta constituido por las diferentes tecnicas de avaluo de proyectos de inversion, que integran los fundamentos de ingenieria economica y varios metodos de avaluo de proyectos, aplicables tanto a campos en desarrollo como en areas exploratorias.

De esa manera, la economía y el petróleo se han convertido en dispositivos
fundamentales para el funcionamiento armónico del tejido social en todas sus
manifestaciones modernas... y la sociedad creativa de hoy día, que basa su
poder en ...

Struktur und Aufbau prozeßnaher Steuergeräte zur Verkettung in flexiblen Fertigungssystemen

... Sgruppe Flexibles Fertigungssystem Kanal information für den Infrarotkana l S
Kanalträgerfrequenz für den Infrarotkanal s High Level Data Link Control
Procedures Quadratische Vergleichsregelfläche Weg inkrement
Übergangsbedingung ...