Sebanyak 26 item atau buku ditemukan

Perempuan dan hukum

studi tentang hak perempuan dalam konsepsi hak asasi manusia

Legal aspects of human rights for women in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Legal aspects of human rights for women in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Multivariate Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis

Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis May 15–16, 1986

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis held at the 64th Annual Heeting of the Virginia Academy of Sciences (VAS)--American Statistical Association's Vir ginia Chapter at James Madison University in Harrisonburg. Virginia during Hay 15-16. 1986. This symposium was sponsored by financial support from the Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Virginia to promote new and modern information-theoretic statist ical modeling procedures and to blend these new techniques within the classical theory. Multivariate statistical analysis has come a long way and currently it is in an evolutionary stage in the era of high-speed computation and computer technology. The Advanced Symposium was the first to address the new innovative approaches in multi variate analysis to develop modern analytical and yet practical procedures to meet the needs of researchers and the societal need of statistics. vii viii PREFACE Papers presented at the Symposium by e1l11lJinent researchers in the field were geared not Just for specialists in statistics, but an attempt has been made to achieve a well balanced and uniform coverage of different areas in multi variate modeling and data analysis. The areas covered included topics in the analysis of repeated measurements, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, canonical cor relations, distribution theory and testing, bivariate densi ty estimation, factor analysis, principle component analysis, multidimensional scaling, multivariate linear models, nonparametric regression, etc.

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis held at the 64th Annual Heeting of the Virginia Academy of Sciences (VAS)--American Statistical Association's Vir ginia Chapter at ...

The Customer Rules

The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service

A former executive vice president of Walt Disney World shares thirty-nine indispensable rules for delivering exceptional customer service that will retain customers for any kind of business.

A former executive vice president of Walt Disney World shares thirty-nine indispensable rules for delivering exceptional customer service that will retain customers for any kind of business.

The Customer Service Survival Kit

What to Say to Defuse Even the Worst Customer Situations

The worst customer situations demand more of front-line employees than good intentions and the right attitude. These kinds of issues can send seasoned service professionals into red alert, and require the communication skills of a crisis counselor. The Customer Service Survival Kit explains how to use the right words to turn volatile scenarios into calm and productive customer encounters. Anyone can learn this delicate art with the book's blend of clear techniques, lessons from behavioral science, case studies, situation-specific advice, and practice exercises. Readers will discover: * The power of leaning into criticism * Trigger phrases that can make bad situations worse * The secret to helping people feel deeply heard in a crisis * How to use the divide-and-conquer approach to safely deliver bad news * Indispensable problem-solving tools * How to become immune to intimidation * How to wrap up transactions so that customers are happy * And more! Best yet, learning to handle worst-case scenarios has the spillover effect of boosting the skills and confidence needed to deal effectively with ANY customer--the key to radical improvements in every organization.

ADVANCE PRAISE FOR THE CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVIVAL KIT "This brilliant book is a page-turner. Richard Gallagher gives captivating explanations of more than just what to say to upset customers: he tells you why to say it, when, and how.