Sebanyak 53 item atau buku ditemukan

Penyusunan tata ruang wilayah dan rencana pembangunan daerah Tingkat I Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Proyek Perencanaan Wilayah, Bagian, Proyek Perencanaan Umum Wilayah tahun anggaran 1984/1985

laporan akhir

Regional development plan for the Special District of Yogyakarta.

DAERAH BAB I. PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang Studi Untuk lebih
memantapkan keberhasilan pembangunan selama Repelita IV, maka
Pemerintah telah meletakkan pengarahan umum pembangunan Wilayah/Daerah
yakni Ren cana Pembangunan Lima Tahun Ke-Empat. Didalam Repelita IV di
Indonesia dibagi menjadi 5 wi layah pembangunan utama yaitu : WPU A, WPU B
, WPU C, WPU D* serta ...

Buku dalam Indonesia Baru

Book development in Indonesia.

... bulan Februari 1999. Dari curah pendapat waktu itu terkesan adanya
keengganan terhadap thema yang bersifat teknis atau pragmatis. Ini aneh. Di
tengah masa sulit sebagai akibat krisis ekonomi penerbit enggan berbincang
tentang problema keseharian yang mereka hadapi. "Masalah distribusi? Wah,
nanti itu-itu saja yang dikutak- kutik. Kita sudah jenuh mendengarnya. Soal lain?
Modal penerbit yang lemah? Tak adanya faslitas perbankan? Harga kertas yang
xvi Pengantar ...

You Can Win

A step by step tool for top achievers

An easy-to-read, practical, common-sense guide that will take you from ancient wisdom to modern-day thinking, You Can Win helps you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It guarantees, as the title suggests, a lifetime of success. The book enables you to translate positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action to give you the winning edge. · Build confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking · Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths · Gain credibility by doing the right things for the right reasons · Take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you · Build trust by developing mutual respect with people around you · Accomplish more by removing the barriers to effectiveness

This book will help you to: · Build confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking · Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths · Gain credibility by doing the right things for the right reasons · Take charge by ...

Carilah Ilmu ke Negeri Korea : Mewujudkan Hubungan Bilateral yang Harmoni Antara Indonesia dan Korea

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Knowledge discovery has been defined as "the extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from data." In a world increasingly overloaded with data of varying quality, not least via the Internet, computerized tools are becoming useful to "mine" useful data from the mass available. This has led to data mining becoming an important aspect of IT and applied computing. This book reviews some of the underlying technologies and also some recent applications in a number of fields.

premining data mining DT=dimension table Figure 6.2 The feedback sandwich
model The top layer of this model indicates premining of data. The filling part of
the sandwich is the combined OLAP/data-mining engine, which supports ...

Dari de Javasche Bank menjadi Bank Indonesia

fragmen sejarah bank sentral di Indonesia

History of Bank Indonesia, the central bank of Indonesia.

History of Bank Indonesia, the central bank of Indonesia.

My Super Duper Colouring Activity Book

A super duper new series of activity books, each packed with over 300 pages of activities, puzzles and creative, imaginative fun to keep little hands busy. My Super Duper Colouring Activity Book has page after page of colouring to complete.

A super duper new series of activity books, each packed with over 300 pages of activities, puzzles and creative, imaginative fun to keep little hands busy. My Super Duper Colouring Activity Book has page after page of colouring to complete.

The Science of the Craft

Advancements in science have taken us further and further from the tangibles our ancestors used to define and understand their world. science has attempted to draw a careful line between what can be provan and what cannot. But a revolution is at hand. keith explains how a fresh look at quantum physics supports phenomena that have long been ridiculed or ignored by classical science. In engaging and frank prose Keith argues that magic is governed by laws similar to those that define scientific principles. This is a truly fascinating gateway for exploring psychic phenomena.

Later theorists proposed that Gaia not only existed, but that she had a mind.
Tielhard de Chardin first proposed the word noos- phere for the shell of
intelligence encasing the earth. Perhaps the term could be understood as the
mind of Gaia; ...