Sebanyak 63 item atau buku ditemukan

Imperfect Oracle

The Epistemic and Moral Authority of Science

Science and its offshoot, technology, enter into the very fabric of our society in so many ways that we cannot imagine life without them. We are surrounded by crises and debates over climate change, stem-cell research, AIDS, evolutionary theory and &“intelligent design,&” the use of DNA in solving crimes, and many other issues. Society is virtually forced to follow our natural tendency, which is to give great weight to the opinions of scientific experts. How is it that these experts have come to acquire such authority, and just how far does their authority reach? Does specialized knowledge entitle scientists to moral authority as well? How does scientific authority actually function in our society, and what are the countervailing social forces (including those deriving from law, politics, and religion) with which it has to contend? Theodore Brown seeks to answer such questions in this magisterial work of synthesis about the role of science in society. In Part I, he elucidates the concept of authority and its relation to autonomy, and then traces the historical growth of scientific authority and its place in contemporary American society. In Part II, he analyzes how scientific authority plays out in relation to other social domains, such as law, religion, government, and the public sphere.

Asking the gatekeepers: A national survey of judges on judging expert evidence
in a post-Daubert world. Law and Human Behavior 25:433–58. Geison, Gerald L.
1995. The private science of Louis Pasteur. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University ...

Secrets of the Oracle

A History of Wisdom from Zeno to Yeats

What is wisdom? Where does it come from? Where can we find it? And what does it mean in our lives? In Secrets of the Oracle, David Shaw explores these questions by turning to the works of wisdom writers, whose words retain their meaning and transformative power even centuries after they were written. Wisdom literature exists in two shaping forms - the aphorism, geared towards the past, and the oracle, a revolutionary impulse looking to the future. Secrets of the Oracle discusses both types of wisdom, finding them in the works of poets and philosophers from Tennyson and Zeno to Yeats and George Berkeley, from Browning and Schleiermacher to T.S. Eliot and F.H. Bradley. The book also discusses the contribution to wisdom of Jesus and the author of Ecclesiastes, of Abraham Lincoln and Norman Maclean. Part celebration of wisdom found and part lament for wisdom lost, Secrets of the Oracle is convincing in its assertion that wisdom articulates what is and offers creative visions of the future.

Fearful Symmetry. Princeton: Princeton University Press. – 1957. Anatomy of
Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press. – 1963a. The
Educated Imagination. Toronto: CBC Publications. – 1963b. The Well-Tempered

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“Tsotsi” adalah suatu gaya kaum muda kulit hitam di perkampungan-perkampungan di Johannesburg. Karena terpesona oleh film gengster Amerika tahun 1940-an, mereka meniru gaya pakaian serta pembangkangan pada hukum dan ketertiban. “Nyawa itu murah; pistol dan pisau berkuasa di malam hari,” kenang Nelson Mandela dalam autobiografinya, Long Walk to Freedom. “Gengster—disebut sebagai tsotsi—selalu membawa pisau lipat, jumlahnya banyak dan mencolok. Di masa itu, mereka meniru bintang film Amerika dan mengenakan topi fedora dan jas lapis-ganda dan dasi lebar berwarna cerah.” Selain busana, gaya ini juga mengembangkan bahasanya sendiri, tsotsitaal, yakni campuran cair dari frase-frase berbagai bahasa yang digunakan di Afrika Selatan. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan tokoh Tsotsi, seorang pemuda yang tidak ingat akan nama aslinya, lupa masa kecil dan bagaimana prosesnya hingga ia bisa menjadi seorang gangster yang ditakuti banyak orang di sekelilingnya. Karakter dan hidupnya yang keras-tajam mendadak berubah setelah takdir membawanya berjumpa dengan seorang bayi yatim piatu, bayi yang secara kebetulan “ditemukannya” dan kemudian diasuhnya. Alam pikiran dan keadaan jiwa seorang Tsotsi adalah magic dari novel psikologis ini; perjalanan dan perubahan-perubahan dalam hidupnya sangat kuat, khas Afrika Selatan namun juga sekaligus tipikal kegelisahan seluruh manusia muda di bumi ini. Novel psikologi ini dianggap oleh beberapa kritikus sebagai salah satu faktor penting yang membuat film Tsotsi meraih Oscar 2006. [Bentang, Novel, Psikologi, Indonesia]

Novel psikologi ini dianggap oleh beberapa kritikus sebagai salah satu faktor penting yang membuat film Tsotsi meraih Oscar 2006. [Bentang, Novel, Psikologi, Indonesia]



If not, the HR practitioner will be ready to take alternative remedial steps known in
the business world as contingency planning. In a nutshell, HR strategy means to
develop plan of actions to overcome and respond to the needs of the ...

The Civic University

The Policy and Leadership Challenges

This innovative book addresses the leadership and management challenges of maximising the contribution of universities to civil society both locally and globally. It does this by developing a model of the civic university as an academic concept, drawing out practical lessons for university management on how to embed civic engagement in the heartland of the university. To this end, the contributors compare experiences and reports on a developmental process in eight institutions: University College London and Newcastle University in the UK, Amsterdam and Groningen Universities in the Netherlands, Aalto and Tampere Universities in Finland and Trinity College Dublin and Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland. It will be of interest to academics of politics, public policy and management studies, as well as having relevance to policymakers in the field.

This innovative book addresses the leadership and management challenges of maximising the contribution of universities to civil society both locally and globally.

Preparing for the AP Calculus AB and Calculus BC Examinations

This book will quickly, efficiently--and above all, effectively--help you prepare to succeed on the AP Calculus exam. Right from the start, the text helps you identify the course topics you most need practice on, allowing you to focus your study efforts o

This book will quickly, efficiently--and above all, effectively--help you prepare to succeed on the AP Calculus exam.

Teori dan praktek pengendalian biologis

(5) Praktek-praktek pemberian pupuk dan irigasi mengakibatkan tingkat-tingkat
nutrisi yang lebih tinggi, pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat, serta jaringan-jaringan
yang lebih banyak mengandung air pada tanaman daripada yang umumnya
dijumpai pada tanaman-tanaman yang tumbuh secara alamiah. Sebagai
akibatnya, wabah-wabah hama (organisme-organisme penyakit dan herbivora-
herbivora bertulang belakang maupun yang tidak bertulang belakang) yang
bebas dari ...

Understanding Cities

Method in Urban Design

Understanding Cities is richly textured, complex and challenging. It creates the vital link between urban design theory and praxis and opens the required methodological gateway to a new and unified field of urban design. Using spatial political economy as his most important reference point, Alexander Cuthbert both interrogates and challenges mainstream urban design and provides an alternative and viable comprehensive framework for a new synthesis. He rejects the idea of yet another theory in urban design, and chooses instead to construct the necessary intellectual and conceptual scaffolding for what he terms 'The New Urban Design'. Building both on Michel de Certeau's concept of heterology – 'thinking about thinking' – and on the framework of his previous books Designing Cities and The Form of Cities, Cuthbert uses his prior adopted framework – history, philosophy, politics, culture, gender, environment, aesthetics, typologies and pragmatics – to create three integrated texts. Overall, the trilogy allows a new field of urban design to emerge. Pre-existing and new knowledge are integrated across all three volumes, of which Understanding Cities is the culminating text.

Rothman, H. 2002: Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First
Century. New York: Routledge. Rothschid, J. (ed.) ... Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Sander, C. 2003: Migrant Remittances to Developing Countries: A Scoping Study