Sebanyak 14 item atau buku ditemukan

Etika politik dalam konteks Indonesia

pesta 65 tahun Romo Magnis

On human rights, religion and state, ethics, and politics in Indonesia; volume commemorating the 65th birthday of Father Franz Magnis-Suseno, a German born Jesuit Priest and since long Indonesian citizen, professor of philosophy at Driyarkara and Universitas Indonesia.

Memutuskan berdasar suara hati sendiri untuk sesuatu hal yang sudah diatur oleh ketentuan hukum atau setidaknya dapat ... ialah kode etik atau " kehormatan profesi ” sebagaimana dibudayakan oleh tradisi dari komunitas suatu profesi .

Islam Dan Tantangan Ekonomi

DEFISIT-DEFISIT TERKONTROL Anehnya, negara-negara muslim bukannya
melakukan reformasi dalam sistem perpajakan dan program pengeluaran
mereka, justru mereka mencari jalan pintas dengan mengandalkan pada
ekspansi moneter dan pinjaman. Cara ini mengakibatkan kelonggaran finansial
yang tidak dapat dikendalikan sehingga tidak dapat dipertahankan dalam jangka
panjang. Akibatnya, inflasi relatif tinggi sementara utang domestik dan luar
negeri serta beban ...

Perception-based Data Mining and Decision Making in Economics and Finance

The primary goal of this book is to present to the scientific and management communities a selection of applications using recent Soft Computing (SC) and Computing with Words and Perceptions (CWP) models and techniques meant to solve some economics and financial problems that are of utmost importance. The book starts with a coverage of data mining tools and techniques that may be of use and significance for economic and financial analyses and applications. Notably, fuzzy and natural language based approaches and solutions for a more human consistent dealing with decision support, time series analysis, forecasting, clustering, etc. are discussed. The second part deals with various decision making models, particularly under probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainty, and their applications in solving a wide array of problems including portfolio optimization, option pricing, financial engineering, risk analysis etc. The selected examples could also serve as a starting point or as an opening out, in the SC and CWP techniques application to a wider range of problems in economics and finance.

Mining. I. Batyrshin, L. Sheremetov, and R. Herrera-Avelar Summary. Import of
intelligent features to systems supporting human decisions in problems related
with analysis of time series data bases is a promising research field. Such
systems ...

Data Mining Using SAS Applications

Most books on data mining focus on principles and furnish few instructions on how to carry out a data mining project. Data Mining Using SAS Applications not only introduces the key concepts but also enables readers to understand and successfully apply data mining methods using powerful yet user-friendly SAS macro-call files. These methods stress the use of visualization to thoroughly study the structure of data and check the validity of statistical models fitted to data. Learn how to convert PC databases to SAS data Discover sampling techniques to create training and validation samples Understand frequency data analysis for categorical data Explore supervised and unsupervised learning Master exploratory graphical techniques Acquire model validation techniques in regression and classification The text furnishes 13 easy-to-use SAS data mining macros designed to work with the standard SAS modules. No additional modules or previous experience in SAS programming is required. The author shows how to perform complete predictive modeling, including data exploration, model fitting, assumption checks, validation, and scoring new data, on SAS datasets in less than ten minutes!

Learn how to convert PC databases to SAS data Discover sampling techniques to create training and validation samples Understand frequency data analysis for categorical data Explore supervised and unsupervised learning Master exploratory ...

Understanding UML

The Developer's Guide : with a Web-based Application in Java

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a third generation method for specifying, visualizing, and documenting an object-oriented system under development. It unifies the three leading object-oriented methods and others to serve as the basis for a common, stable, and expressive object-oriented development notation. As the complexity of software applications increases, so does the developer's need to design and analyze applications before developing them. This practical introduction to UML provides software developers with an overview of this powerful new design notation, and teaches Java programmers to analyse and design object-oriented applications using the UML notation. * Apply the basics of UML to your applications immediately, without having to wade through voluminous documentation * Use the simple Internet example as a prototype for developing object-oriented applications of your own * Follow a real example of an Intranet sales reporting system written in Java that is used to drive explanations throughout the book * Learn from an example application modeled both by hand and with the use of Popkin Software's SA/Object Architect O-O visual modeling tool.

Apply the basics of UML to your applications immediately, without having to wade through voluminous documentation Use the simple Internet example as a prototype for developing object-oriented applications of your own Follow a real example ...

Bung Hatta dan ekonomi Islam

menangkap makna maqâshid al syarî'ah

Lingkungan Hidup Pemikiran Hatta tentang lingkungan hidup sangat relevan
dengan situasi yang sekarang sedang terjadi. Apalagi mengingat tingginya
tingkat kerusakan lingkungan yang ada di mana seperti disinyalir oleh Joseph E.
Stiglitz ...

Kamus terminologi populer

memuat istilah-istilah ilmiah, istilah-istilah populer dan istilah-istilah asing yang diuraikan secara sederhana dan mudah dimengerti

OKSIDENTALISME DALAM SASTERA MELAYU: Sebelum Merdeka hingga Era Mahathir Mohamad

On history and criticism of Malay literatute.

On history and criticism of Malay literatute.