Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Perbankan Islam dan kedudukannya dalam tata hukum perbankan Indonesia

Status of Islamic banks in Indonesian banking law.

Jumlahnya telah mencapai 200 buah , di antaranya 160 berupa bank dan sisanya berupa lembaga keuangan nonbank.173 Potensi pasar yang besar bagi kegiatan perbankan Islam , telah membuka cakrawala baru bagi bank - bank yang berasal dari ...

Pengantar Keuangan Islam Teori dan Praktik

Buku ini menawarkan sebuah kajian mendalam sistem keuangan syariah, mulai dari sejarah perkembangan keuangan Islam hingga produk yang ditawarkan dan dikembangkan. Dan, lebih dari itu, buku ini dilengkapidengan analisis kritis terhadap perkembangan dan sejumlah produk keuangan serta investasi syariah yang ada. Buku persembahan Prenada Media Group.

Buku ini menawarkan sebuah kajian mendalam sistem keuangan syariah, mulai dari sejarah perkembangan keuangan Islam hingga produk yang ditawarkan dan dikembangkan.

Manajemen Strategik

Buku Manajemen Strategik ini terdiri dari Empat Komponen teori : Komponen 1 : Analisis Lingkungan Komponen 2 : Perencanaan (formulasi) Strategi Komponen 3 : Implementasi Strategi Komponen 4 : Evaluasi dan Pengendalian Strategi Buku ini disertai dengan : 100 insight strategik (fenomena dan kasus perusahaan, industri dan instansi di Indonesia dan Internasional), suatu kasus industri asuransi jiwa di Indonesia dan penerapan teori pada kasus tersebut, serta lembar kerja untuk menyusun manajemen strategik.

Buku Manajemen Strategik ini terdiri dari Empat Komponen teori : Komponen 1 : Analisis Lingkungan Komponen 2 : Perencanaan (formulasi) Strategi Komponen 3 : Implementasi Strategi Komponen 4 : Evaluasi dan Pengendalian Strategi Buku ini ...

Medical Marvels

The 100 Greatest Advances in Medicine

At a time when healthcare management corporations are transforming the once intimate doctor-patient relationship into an impersonal provider-customer transaction, it is increasingly difficult for both doctors and the public at large to view medicine as an idealistic calling devoted solely to healing the sick. Yet the history of medicine is filled with dedicated individuals whose greatest motivation was and is a selfless passion to treat and cure illness.In this inspiring book, Dr. Eugene W. Straus-acclaimed author of Roslyn Yalow, Nobel Laureate-and journalist Alex Straus celebrate the noble science and art of medicine by highlighting the one hundred greatest medical advances. More than just a compilation of technological achievements, the book also emphasizes the importance of committed individuals who proposed conceptual breakthroughs that made a telling difference to the human condition. From Galen who related the structure of organs to functions, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek whose microscope revealed an unseen world of microbes, William Jenner who advocated the first vaccinations against smallpox, Florence Nightingale who developed the concept of nursing, to Forssman who demonstrated the principle of cardiac catheterization by actually pushing a wire into his own heart, the stories of medical pioneers are consistently fascinating and awe-inspiring.Emphasizing that medicine should be founded on ethical integrity, compassion, and the encouragement of unfettered scientific research, the authors warn that powerful forces in contemporary society are in danger of seriously neglecting these fundamental principles. This mistake can and must be avoided as we promote the next 100 greatest advances yet to come.Everyone interested in good healthcare will gain a new appreciation for the achievements and future promise of medicine by reading this absorbing and important book.Eugene W. Straus, M.D. (New York, NY), author of the acclaimed Rosalyn Yalow, Nobel Laureate, is emeritus professor of medicine at the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn. He was formerly chief of the Division of Digestive Diseases, director of the Digestive Disease Training Program, and acting cochairman of the Department of Medicine there.Alex Straus (New York, NY) is senior editor at Maxim magazine, specializing in new technology, sports, and feature-length articles.

Rolf Luft, a senior among participants in the Nobel commu- nity, a brilliant
physician-scientist (see advance 77), and a past chair of the Nobel Committee for
Medicine or Physiology, rates Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915) at the very top in terms
of his “creativity.” Indeed, considering Paul Ehrlich poses a unique dilemma
because he made so many conceptual and practical contributions of great signifi-
cance that focusing on one is difficult. But that underlies the greatness of his
genius. Here is ...



組込みシステムの「現実的」で「解決困難」な問題に正面から取り組むワークブック。モデル駆動型開発によるシステムの要求分析からコード生成・検証までを網羅。「非機能要 ...

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Prinsip Dasar Dalam Pembangunan

Access Database Design & Programming

For programmers who prefer content to frills, this guide has succinct and straightforward information for putting Access to its full, individually tailored use.

For programmers who prefer content to frills, this guide has succinct and straightforward information for putting Access to its full, individually tailored use.