Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Modern Database Management

Reacting to the current business environment, Modern Database Management, 6/e addresses current issues in the market, such as Internet, data warehousing and object-orientation. While sufficient technical explanations are given, the book instructs from a business perspective, allowing readers to understand the role of database management within a business. Chapter topics cover the database environment and development process, modeling data in the organization, advanced data modeling, logical database design and the relational model, physical database design and performance, SQL, advanced SQL, the client/server environment, the Internet environment, data warehousing, data and database administration, distributed databases, object-oriented data modeling, and object-oriented database development.

While sufficient technical explanations are given, the text instructs from a business perspective, allowing students to understand the role of database management within a business. STUDY.MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT WITH THE LATEST COVERAGE!

Panduan bantuan hukum di Indonesia, 2014

pedoman anda memahami dan menyelesaikan masalah hukum

On Indonesian laws, regulations, and legal system.

On Indonesian laws, regulations, and legal system.

Introduction to Data Mining for the Life Sciences

Data mining provides a set of new techniques to integrate, synthesize, and analyze tdata, uncovering the hidden patterns that exist within. Traditionally, techniques such as kernel learning methods, pattern recognition, and data mining, have been the domain of researchers in areas such as artificial intelligence, but leveraging these tools, techniques, and concepts against your data asset to identify problems early, understand interactions that exist and highlight previously unrealized relationships through the combination of these different disciplines can provide significant value for the investigator and her organization.

But the sheer volume of data means that traditional techniques need to be augmented by approaches that elicit knowledge from the data, using automated procedures.

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

La fecha crucial se acerca. Cuando cumpla diecisiete años, Harry perderá el encantamiento protector que lo mantiene a salvo. El anunciado enfrentamiento a muerte con lord Voldemort es inminente, y la casi imposible misión de encontrar y destruir los restantes Horrocruxes más urgente que nunca. Ha llegado la hora final, el momento de tomar las decisiones más difíciles. Harry debe abandonar la calidez y seguridad de La Madriguera para seguir sin miedo ni vacilaciones el inexorable sendero trazado para él. Consciente de lo mucho que está en juego, sólo dentro de sí mismo encontrará la fuerza necesaria que lo impulse en la vertiginosa carrera para enfrentarse con su destino.

La fecha crucial se acerca.

Buku kenangan pengabdian Mayor Jenderal TNI (Purn) Ir. H. Pranoto Asmoro: Konsepsi pemetaan, penginderaan jauh untuk sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan

Festschrift in honor of Pranoto Asmoro, founder of Indonesian National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping.

Sebagai rasa simpati saya kepada keluarga Pak Pranoto almarhum dan demi
kemajuan P.T. Kompusindo tadi, maka saya hibahkan saham-saham dari P.T.
Kompusindo untuk keluarga Pak Pranoto. (Wawancara dengan Bapak Ir. Leo
Nardy, ...

BUKU DIARSIP : Sales Management

Decisions, Strategies, and Cases