Sebanyak 51 item atau buku ditemukan

Kompilasi Seminar Perlindungan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Terhadap Anak Terlantar di Indonesia

Report on series of seminars on legal protection to the rights of abandoned children in Indonesia held by Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hak Asasi Manusia in Medan, Semarang, and Denpasar, 2012.

Report on series of seminars on legal protection to the rights of abandoned children in Indonesia held by Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hak Asasi Manusia in Medan, Semarang, and Denpasar, 2012.

Analisis wacana ideologi gender media anak-anak

Gender role in the Indonesian children's magazines, 1970-1990 period; research report.

Gender role in the Indonesian children's magazines, 1970-1990 period; research report.

I'm Not Scared

Katie Angel lives on a farm with her mum, dad and brother Tom. Katie finds strength in telling herself "I'm not scared", even when she doesn't feel like being brave. She says it whenever she has to ride a fast horse or deal with anything that wriggles, creeps or crawls. When Katie's grandmother becomes ill, Katie's mother leaves the farm to look after her. Without her mother, Katie's confidence suddenly disappears. It takes a close encounter with Bruiser, a bull, to jolt her out of her worried state. Luckily, Katie's faith in herself is restored just in time for her to compete in the Rescue Race, the most important event of the annual Show Day.

Katie Angel lives on a farm with her mum, dad and brother Tom. Katie finds strength in telling herself "I'm not scared", even when she doesn't feel like being brave.

Eesti riikline statistika

Sugemed vigaste laste kohta Eestis. Aadu Lüüs' i, tartu ülikooli arstiteaduskonnale esitatud väitekiri arstiteaduse doktori astme omandamiseks. Les enfants infirmes en Esthonie