Sebanyak 18 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengaruh budaya organisasi tehadap kinerja karyawan

Influence of organizational culture toward the employee performance in Indonesia.

Influence of organizational culture toward the employee performance in Indonesia.

Bekerja di bank itu mudah

Seorang Auditor tidak perlu menjadi programmer, tetapi minimal dapat
menganalisis jika sistem komputer mengalami kerusakan. Misalnya, suhu di
ruangan penyimpanan server yang terlalu tinggi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan
pada mainframe, atau diperlukan software Anti Virus versi terbaru untuk
mengatasi virus worm yang sempat melanda Indonesia melalui e-mail, dan
seterusnya. Adanya sistem operasi baru, seperti Linux yang menjadi pesaing
potensial Microsoft- Windows, ...

Sensus ekonomi 2006

analisis ketenagakerjaan : kondisi sosial ekonomi pekerja

Pada umumnya, proporsi tenaga kerja produksi pada perusahaan industri
pengolahan berskala menengah dan besar (UMB) mendominasi jumlah pekerja,
sisanya merupakan tenaga kerja manajerial. Kondisi ini berbeda dengan struktur
pekerja pada kategori lapangan usaha perdagangan dan hotel, dimana
persentase tenaga kerja manajerial sekitar 30 persen, sisanya tenaga kerja
produksi. Sementara untuk industri pengolahan UMK, tenaga kerja manajerial
biasanya dirangkap ...

An Analysis of Human Resource Officers in Support of MPT & E Enterprise Management

A Succession Management Plan for Human Capital Managers

The purpose of this research is to examine the Human Resource community's ability to effectively manage its human capital (active duty officers) and to establish this as the foundation for value creation. In today's market, be it on Wall Street, Main Street or Army Navy Blvd., value creation is dominated by human capital and other intangible assets. Ironically, these most important assets are the least understood, least prone to measurement, and hardest to manage. Thus, an analysis for improvement using a systems control theory model provided an important step forward in the Navy's inability to better manage its human capital. An assessment was conducted through interviews of community managers, SME and participants, and a review of previous manpower studies. This research revealed critical control points whereby the HR community manager (OCM) could leverage considerable change within the system to gain the desired effects of the human resource succession-management plan. These control points were found through analysis of inputs, processes, and outputs pertaining to an HR officer's promotion, assignment, and education. This analysis showed the HR community manager could influence human resource career progressions through the education process. The management of Education Skill Requirements, and interaction with Naval Postgraduate School faculty, will ensure alignment and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities. These skills will support HRO and the warfighting enterprises to ensure a succession-management plan that reduces gaps and mismatches of human resource billets.

The purpose of this research is to examine the Human Resource community's ability to effectively manage its human capital (active duty officers) and to establish this as the foundation for value creation.

Peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 6 tahun 2010 tentang Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja

dilengkapi UU RI no. 32 th. 2004 Ttg. Pemerintahan Daerah beserta perubahannya (UU RI no. 8 th. 2005, Perpu no. 3 th. 2005 & UU RI no. 12 th 2008), PP RI no. 38 th. 2007 ttg. pembagian urusan pemerintahan antara pemerintah, pemerintahan daerah provinsi, dan pemerintahan daerah kabupaten/kota, PP RI no. 41 th. 2007 ttg. organisasi perangkat daerah, Permendagri no. 26 th. 2010 ttg. penggunaan senjata api bagi anggota Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja, Permendagri no. 27 th. 2010 ttg. pedoman pelaporan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja

Government regulation regarding abandoned lands in Indonesia; includes related laws and regulations.

Government regulation regarding abandoned lands in Indonesia; includes related laws and regulations.