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An English-Indonesian Dictionary

Although intended primarily for Indonesian users, the dictionary will be helpful to speakers of English who wish to know the Indonesian equivalent of an English word or phrase.

An English-Indonesian Dictionary is a comprehensive listing which attempts to
embody a high percentage of the most common words and phrases in American
English, with American orthography and pronunciation, along with the Indo-
nesian equivalent. Although this dictionary has been prepared primarily for the
use of Indonesians, various devices have been employed to assist in making it
useful to speakers of English who wish to find the Indonesian equivalent for an
English word ...

An Indonesian-English Dictionary

Phonology and Transcription Indonesian orthography normally allows for
unequivocal interpretation of the pronunciation. Exceptions to this are marked in
this work by a phonemic transcription given in slashes next to the main entry.
Indonesian exists in many regional and dialectal varieties. Consequently, the
number of vowels varies by dialect. Most speakers use six or eight vowels, but
some dialects have as few as three vowels and some as many as ten. For our
transcriptions in this ...

Living Ethically, Acting Politically

Political scientist Melissa Orlie asks what it means to live freely and responsibly when advantages are distributed disproportionately according to race, gender, class, culture, and religion. Orlie reveals the daily ways people commonly exercise power, inflict harm, yet show themselves capable of actions that transform both themselves and the world. A thought-provoking study.

Political scientist Melissa Orlie asks what it means to live freely and responsibly when advantages are distributed disproportionately according to race, gender, class, culture, and religion.

The Vanished Imam

Musa Al Sadr and the Shia of Lebanon

In the summer of 1978, Musa al Sadr, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Shia sect in Lebanon, disappeared mysteriously while on a visit to Libya. As in the Shia myth of the "Hidden Imam," this modern-day Imam left his followers upholding his legacy and awaiting his return. Considered an outsider when he had arrived in Lebanon in 1959 from his native Iran, he gradually assumed the role of charismatic mullah, and was instrumental in transforming the Shia, a quiescent and downtrodden Islamic minority, into committed political activists. What sort of person was Musa al Sadr? What beliefs in the Shia doctrine did his life embody? Where did he fit into the tangle of Lebanon's warring factions? What was behind his disappearance? In this fascinating and compelling narrative, Fouad Ajami resurrects the Shia's neglected history, both distant and recent, and interweaves the life and work of Musa al Sadr with the larger strands of the Shia past.

In this fascinating and compelling narrative, Fouad Ajami resurrects the Shia's neglected history, both distant and recent, and interweaves the life and work of Musa al Sadr with the larger strands of the Shia past.