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Book Chapter ini merupakan program kerja tahunan Prodi PPKn Undwi yang sudah berjalan selama ini. Program ini dinilai penting, karena memberikan manfaat yang besar kepada dosen guna melatih keterampilannya untuk berpikir kritis dan menuangkannya dalam sebuah tulisan yang berbobot. Penulisan Book Chapter ini diharapkan dapat mendongkrak peningkatan kualitas maupun kuantitas publikasi ilmiah dosen.

55 tahun 2007 tetang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan dalam pasal 1 sub, (1) dijelaskan pendidikan agama adalah pendidikan yang memberikan pengetahuan dan membentuk sikap, kepribadian, dan keterampilan peserta didik dalam mengamalkan ...

Progress in Drug Research

Viral clones harboring this amino acid substitution display moderate resistance to
zidovudine and zalcitabine, and low resistance to other nucleoside analogues [
106, 107]. However, further acquisition of additional mutations, such as A62V, ...

The Economics of Agricultural Development

World Food Systems and Resource Use

Persistent problems with poverty, rapid population growth and malnutrition in many developing countries are among the most serious issues facing the world today. This book examines the causes, severity and effects of these problems, as well as potential solutions. The authors consider the implications of globalization of goods, services and capital for agriculture, poverty and the environment; and identify linkages in the world food system, stressing how agricultural and economic situations in poor countries affect industrialized nations and vice versa. Focusing on the role that agriculture can play in improving economic and nutritional wellbeing and how that role might be enhanced, this book is essential reading.

Manufactured inputs can substitute for inelastic supplies of land to increase
production at a lower per unit cost. A variety of issues must be resolved by each
country, however, with respect to externalities associated with certain inputs such
as ...