Sebanyak 7 item atau buku ditemukan

Kebijakan Publik, Ilmu Sosial, dan Negara: Handbook Analisis Kebijakan Publik

Kitab digital ini berjudul "Kebijakan Publik, Ilmu Sosial, dan Negara", merupakan kitab yang berisi tentang "Analisis Kebijakan Publik" yang dapat memberikan tambahan wawasan pengetahuan dan pencerahan bagi pembaca. Semangat untuk berbagi terutama dalam literasi khazanah pengetahuan sosial dan politik yang mendasari penerbit menghadirkan konten-konten di kitab digital ini. Penerbit berdoa semoga kitab yang diterbitkan ini bisa bermanfaat dan menjadi bahan pembelajaran serta panduan bagi siapapun juga.

Kitab digital ini berjudul "Kebijakan Publik, Ilmu Sosial, dan Negara", merupakan kitab yang berisi tentang "Analisis Kebijakan Publik" yang dapat memberikan tambahan wawasan pengetahuan dan pencerahan bagi pembaca.

Professional Design Patterns in VB .NET

Building Adaptable Applications

Professional Design Patterns in VB .NET: Building Adaptable Applications is not merely design pattern theory. No, no. Instead, the authors show design patterns applied to real-world architectural scenarios, so you can witness the patterns in action, reaping benefits along the way! The core of this book contains three case studies, which explain design pattern application in each main tier of an application: data, business, and presentation layers. These case studies flesh out your understanding of design patterns, illustrating how the scenarios can be realistically employed and recognized by all Visual Basic .NET programmers. Also featured: how design patterns can be used in conjunction with .NET Remoting, to be applied across tiers, as well as within them. And since many VB .NET programmers may not be wholly familiar with UML, the authors also provide a UML primer as an appendix.

The core of this book contains three case studies, which explain design pattern application in each main tier of an application: data, business, and presentation layers.

Professional Design Patterns in VB .NET

Building Adaptable Applications

* Explains through case studies how design patterns can improve the design of the individual tiers in an application. * Shows how design patterns can be used in conjunction with .NET Remoting across the tiers in an application. * The emphasis throughout is on how design patterns can be used in real applications to write more robust and flexible code.

NET web site that would allow customers who were currently calling the sales
reps, to place orders manually over the Internet, thereby reducing the cost per
transaction. However the sales team felt a little threatened by being replaced by a

The New Fibonacci Trader, Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Master The New Fibonacci Trader

Tools and Strategies for Trading Success

Powerful new strategies and tools from the leading exponent of one of today's most important trading tools With his bestselling Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders, Robert Fischer established himself as the leader in the Fibonacci approach to trading. This new workbook offers a powerful new arsenal of tools, using step-by-step exercises. Fischer carefully delineates techniques for combining his strategies into precise, reliable, well-disciplined trading tools that enable traders to take advantage of naturally occurring and recurring patterns.

This new workbook offers a powerful new arsenal of tools, using step-by-step exercises.