Sebanyak 67 item atau buku ditemukan

Chose Your Life!

metode berdaya guna yang terbukti untuk menciptakan kehidupan yang anda inginkan

Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen untuk Rekayasa Kualitas

Produk merupakan sesuatu yang diciptakan atau dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Produk juga merupakan sesuatu yang dijual oleh perusahaan kepada pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, fungsi dari suatu produk adalah untuk memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan manusia. Sebuah produk bisa dirancang untuk melakukan satu atau lebih fungsi (single/multi-functions). Pada perancangan suatu produk dimulai dari tahap analisis persepsi dan peluang pasar, dilanjutkan dengan tahap produksi, penjualan, hingga pengiriman produk. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh suatu perusahaan harus dapat terukur secara jelas melalui spesifikasi teknis dari performansi yang mampu diberikan (kuantitatif) seperti power, speeds, reliability, efisiensi, dan lainlain. Selain itu, produk juga dapat memberikan arti dan kriteria yang cenderung bersifat kualitatif, yaitu merupakan kombinasi antara faktor-faktor yang bersifat “symbolic” dan “aesthetic” yang mampu menimbulkan kesan high/low class, promaskulin/ feminim, mahal/murah, dan sebagainya. Sebuah produk akan memiliki nilai yang diperoleh dari proses transformasi dan proses nilai tambah (proses produksi).

PENDAHULUAN Desain eksperimen merupakan rancangan percobaan tiap
langkah yang terdefinisikan sehingga informasi yang diperlukan untuk penelitian
dapat dikumpulkan. ... Jenis taraf faktor faktor bisa kuantitatif dan kualitatif. 7.2.

Sebuah idealisme dalam berbagai era

kumpulan esai dari Orba sampai reformasi

Thought of the author on politics, government, social, and law in Indonesia; collected articles.

Thought of the author on politics, government, social, and law in Indonesia; collected articles.

Soils of Tropical Forest Ecosystems

Characteristics, Ecology and Management

An understanding of the characteristics and the ecology of soils, particularly those of forest ecosystems in the humid tropics, is central to the development of sustainable forest management systems. The present book examines the contribution that forest soil science and forest ecology can make to sustainable land use in the humid tropics. Four main issues are addressed: characteristics and classification of forest soils, chemical and hydrological changes after forest utilization, soil fertility management in forest plantations and agroforestry systems as well as ecosystem studies from the dipterocarp forest region of Southeast Asia. Additionally, case studies include work from Guyana, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia and Nigeria.

Logging can cause a serious lack of calcium in tropical rainforest ecosystems: An
example from Sabah, Malaysia Professor emeritus Nils Nykvist1,2 (1)
Department of Forest Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S901
83, Umeå, Sweden (2) Skogsstigen 1, S14462, Rönninge, Sweden Professor
emeritus Nils Nykvist Phone: +468 53 25 26 31 Abstract Chemical analysis of
total calcium in soil samples from Mendolong research area revealed that they
had a very low ...

Human Activities and the Tropical Rainforest

Past, Present and Possible Future

Arising initially from a conference, the papers published here have been integrated into book form to provide information on human activities and the tropical rainforest in the past and present, and on the possible future of the rainforest, in a unique way. Other books have considered some, but not all, of these themes; however, none has stressed the continuity of change over time and its possible outcome for the people of the forest as well as for the forest itself. Because of the approach taken, this book should appeal across traditional disciplinary boundaries. Indeed a prime aim has been to suggest that rainforest, because of its complexity and the complexity of people-rainforest relationships throughout time, deserves study from a broad perspective. This book poses more questions than answers about the rainforest and it is hoped that it will encourage readers to think about the rainforest in a wider way than hitherto. This book is aimed at geographers (physical and human), social anthropologists, archaeologists, pedologists, foresters and tropical botanists and will be of value to graduates of various disciplines setting out to research the rainforest.

This book is aimed at geographers (physical and human), social anthropologists, archaeologists, pedologists, foresters and tropical botanists and will be of value to graduates of various disciplines setting out to research the rainforest.

Marketing in crisis

marketing therapy : menyerang pasar dan mengambil manfaat dari krisis ekonomi

Trics and marketing therapy on how to survive in the global financial crisis.

Trics and marketing therapy on how to survive in the global financial crisis.