Sebanyak 93 item atau buku ditemukan

Panduan Lengkap & Mudah Belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk Pemula

Belajar bahasa Inggris sulit? Banyak orang yang berpendapat seperti demikian. Namun, bila kita memiliki niat yang kuat untuk belajar dan mengetahui kuncinya, belajar bahasa Inggris akan menjadi hal yang menyenangkan. Kuncinya adalah memahami arti dan makna kata (vocabulary), pola dan tata bahasa (grammar & tenses), dan latihan secara kontinyu. Atas kepentingan itu, buku ini dihadirkan untuk menyarikan konsep-konsep penting yang perlu kita pahami saat belajar bahasa Inggris, seperti rangkuman kosakata (sinonim, antonim, homofon, & homograf), tata bahasa (grammar & tenses), idiom, dan kata mutiara, serta dilengkapi dengan contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat. Selain lengkap, buku ini disajikan secara sistematis agar lebih mudah dipahami. Mari belajar bahasa Inggris saat ini juga! -Tangga Pustaka-

Belajar bahasa Inggris sulit?

Kamus istilah sastra

Indonesian dictionary of literary terms.

Dalam hal sastra Indonesia, istilah itu hendaknya istilah yang relevan de- ngan
kenyataan kesusastraan Indonesia itu, ... Memang hanis diakui bah- wa
sebagian besar istilah itu berasal dari sastra Barat, Tetapi penyera- pannya
mengikuti langkah-langkah pembentukan istilah Indonesia. ... apre- siasi sastra,
Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengambangan Bahasa telah berhasil menyusun sebuah
kamus sastra.

Android Apps Security

Android Apps Security provides guiding principles for how to best design and develop Android apps with security in mind. It explores concepts that can be used to secure apps and how developers can use and incorporate these security features into their apps. This book will provide developers with the information they need to design useful, high-performing, and secure apps that expose end-users to as little risk as possible. Overview of Android OS versions, features, architecture and security. Detailed examination of areas where attacks on applications can take place and what controls should be implemented to protect private user data In-depth guide to data encryption, authentication techniques, enterprise security and applied real-world examples of these concepts What you’ll learn How to identify data that should be secured How to use the Android APIs to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data How to build secure apps for the enterprise About Public Key Infrastructure, encryption APIs and how to implement them in apps About owners, access control lists and permissions to allow user control over App properties About client-server apps and how to manage authentication, transport layer encryption and server-side security Who this book is for This book is for intermediate and experienced Android app developers that are already familiar with writing apps from scratch. It discusses mechanisms on how apps can be secured so that private, end-user data is kept secure on the device and while in transit. If you’re just embarking on the path to Android development, then this book may prove to be a useful companion to other developer guides. Table of Contents Android Architecture & Security Controls The Foundation of an App Who Has Access? Designing and Developing 3 Sample Apps Using PKI & Encryption Interfacing with Web Services Writing for the Enterprise Designing and Developing 3 More Sample Apps Publishing and Selling Your Apps Malware, Spyware and Your End-User API Reference

This book will provide developers with the information they need to design useful, high-performing, and secure apps that expose end-users to as little risk as possible. Overview of Android OS versions, features, architecture and security.

Psychology Express: Health Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide)

The Psychology Express undergraduate revision guide series will help you to understand key concepts quickly, revise effectively and make sure your answers stand out. Each text is tailored to engage the reader and help you: Prepare for exams and coursework using sample questions and assessment advice Maximise your marks and approach exams with confidence Quickly grasp key research, critical issues and practical applications This new addition to the Psychology Express revision guide series will provide concise coverage of the key areas of health psychology.

27–44(Nutbeam D. 1998), by permissionofOxford University Press; Figure3.6from
Health promotionand planning:An educational and ecological approach, 3rd ed.,
Mountain View,CA:Mayfield (GreenL.W. and Kreuter M.W. 1999),© 1999 ...


Transform the way you feel so you can achieve the things you want

Dr Rob Yeung is a chartered psychologist of the British Psychological Society with a PhD in psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry (part of King's College London). He coaches individuals on both business performance and life issues. He is the author of over 20 books which have been translated into dozens of languages worldwide.

Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2JE United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1279 623623 Web: First published inGreat
Britain in 2013 (electronic) © Pearson Education Limited 2013 The right of ...

Total Strategy

Aims to provide the tools and a working framework to allow practising managers identify creative strategies. The framework is designed to encourage creative thought processes. The book is not designed to be prescriptive, but allows the reader to explore creative options that are appropriate to its own situation.

The framework is designed to encourage creative thought processes. The book is not designed to be prescriptive, but allows the reader to explore creative options that are appropriate to its own situation.

Eskatologi biblika

tinjauan alkitabiah tentang akhir zaman pengangkatan gereja, masa tribulasi, kerajaan syalom, kerajaan kekal