Sebanyak 122 item atau buku ditemukan

Bank Risk Analysis in Emerging Markets

Banking is a risk business, but one mistake can wipe out a year's profits or more. Correspondent banking is a reliable, high yield activity and trade finance in the emerging markets offer some of the highest returns available in conventional banking. However, as the banker ventures into the emerging markets he finds risks which hardly exist in the developed economies. Balancing risk and reward is critical to maintaining profits and reputations, as well as operational independence.

Banking is a risk business, but one mistake can wipe out a year's profits or more.

Financial Reforms in Sudan: Streamlining Bank Intermediation

The paper reviews the experience of financial reforms in Sudan with a view to assessing their macroeconomic impact and to shedding light on the question why such reforms have not yet brought about visible improvements in financial intermediation. The paper concludes that regardless of the progress achieved in recent years, deficiencies in the reform design, institutional weaknesses, shallow financial markets, shortcomings of the Islamic mode of finance, and strong seasonality remain key factors that constrain financial intermediation. Additional efforts, in particular in bank restructuring, credit instrument design, monetary policy management, and prudential regulation are needed to address the systemic problems of the financial sector and to make it capable of supporting private sector growth.

PAS (Pedoman akuntansi syariat)

panduan praktis operasional Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil (BMT)

Islamic treasury - Baitul Mal.

Islamic treasury - Baitul Mal.

Risiko Bank Syariah : Risiko Imbal Hasil, Risiko Investasi, Return, Tingkat Dana Pihak Ketiga dan BI Rate