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The Patron Way: From Fantasy to Fortune - Lessons on Taking Any Business From Idea to Iconic Brand : From Fantasy to Fortune - Lessons on Taking Any Business From Idea to Iconic Brand

From Fantasy to Fortune - Lessons on Taking Any Business From Idea to Iconic Brand

The never-before-told story of Patrón Tequila--the brand that revolutionized an industry How a billion-dollar business ascended from a forgotten dusty agave field in central Mexico The Patrón Way details the unorthodox building of the brand, the extraordinary creativity and marketing ingenuity of Patrón's cofounder, Martin Crowley, and his life partner, Ilana Edelstein, and the way Patrón single-handedly transformed the face of the liquor industry. Edelstein was involved in every aspect of the business--from the brand’s iconic bottle to designing the sexy and attention-getting outfits worn by the famous "Patrón Girls" at promotions and parties to running the back office. Patrón is a tequila so sumptuous--and so brilliantly marketed--that it has become the world’s leading ultrapremium tequila and has changed the way the spirit is experienced: what was once "gasoline" slammed back in a shot glass is now poured from an exquisite hand-blown bottle into a chilled glass and sipped to attain a "Patrón high." Today, Patrón has grown to over a billion-dollar brand, and it is the largest generator of revenue of all tequila brands. Edelstein combines the dramatic story of the company’s rise to success in an astonishingly competitive and sometimes cutthroat industry with practical business lessons about R&D and brand building that business leaders can put to productive use in any industry. A tale of love, sacrifice, celebrity, dizzying success, and ultimate betrayal, The Patrón Way reveals for the first time all the details behind the intimate relationship and marketing genius of the "power couple" that transformed the spirits industry.

... Burt Stewart, Ed Blinn, Tan Pettaway, Cristy Record, Lynn Hirschberg
MacEachern, and all the Patron girls across the country, it was such a privilege,
thank you. Ron Wong: Thank you for your brilliant graphic designs, past and

Analisis Daya Saing Provinsi dan Wilayah

Menjaga Momentum Pertumbuhan Indonesia Edisi 2014

' Buku ini memuat laporan oleh Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI) yang diperbaharui setiap tahunnya untuk menganalisis daya saing Indonesia, baik di 33 provinsi maupun di enam wilayah berdasarkan Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI). Dengan 104 indikator yang meliputi empat lingkup, metodologi studi yang unik menggabungkan kekuatan dan kelemahan komparatif serta menerapkan analisis kausalitas Geweke untuk beberapa indikator terkait. Terlepas dari hasil skor dan peringkat, simulasi kebijakan "what if" menawarkan rekomendasi praktis bagi masing-masing provinsi untuk meningkatkan daya saing secara komprehensif serta mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan yang berimbang, adil, dan berkelanjutan. Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif melalui proses kolaborasi dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan memberikan alur yang menarik bagi Indonesia untuk mencapai posisi paling strategis baik dalam konteks regional Asia maupun global. The English version of the book can be found at: 2014 Provincial and Inaugural Regional Competitiveness Analysis: Safeguarding Indonesia''s Growth Momentum. Contents:Analisis Peringkat Daya Saing dan Studi Simulasi untuk 33 Provinsi di Indonesia Tahun 2014Peringkat Daya Saing Wilayah dan Strategi Pembangunan untuk Indonesia Tahun 2014: Perspektif Kebijakan KewilayahanAnalisis Daya Saing Wilayah SumateraAnalisis Daya Saing Wilayah JawaAnalisis Daya Saing Wilayah KalimantanAnalisis Daya Saing Wilayah SulawesiAnalisis Daya Saing Wilayah Bali-Nusa TenggaraAnalisis Daya Saing Wilayah Maluku-PapuaAnalisis Geweke dalam Hubungan Kausalitas untuk Provinsi Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Maluku Utara dan Nusa Tenggara TimurKata Penutup dan Agenda Penelitian BerikutnyaLampiran 1: Daftar IndikatorLampiran 2: Penghitungan Peringkat: AlgoritmaLampiran 3: Catatan Agregasi Data Dari Tingkat Provinsi ke Tingkat Wilayah Readership: Scholars and researchers studying ASEAN economics, in particular Indonesia''s. Keywords:Indonesia;Bahasa;Momentum;Provincial;Analysis'

Menurut Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, kecenderungan
realisasi investasi dalam proyek MP3EI didominasi oleh proyek pemerintah dan
BUMN.16 Untuk itu, komitmen pemerintah provinsi untuk mendukung iklim
investasi ...

Family Business

A Case Study of Nyonya Meneer, One of Indonesia's Most Successful Traditional Medicine Companies

The Chinese have a saying about family businesses: the first generation builds the company, the second generation grows the company, and the third generation destroys the company. There are many examples of this growth and decline in many countries, especially in Indonesia where the business conglomerates - mostly owned by ethnic Chinese - are notoriously secretive; their companies' trials and tribulations are known only to a very select group. However, every once in a while, one of the insiders opens the company's doors and allows the general public a chance to see what has really transpired over the generations. Even less frequently are these stories allowed to be published in a book.Family Business is one of those rare books. For the first time, the inside story of one of Indonesia's largest traditional medicine companies is available in the English language. From the tales of the founder's struggles in raising a family and managing a company, to the passing of command to its second and third generations, Family Business is a real insider's account of how in business, everything is personal.Filled with anecdotes and court cases, advertising campaigns and newspaper clippings, Family Business is an Indonesian success story and case study detailing what to do - and more importantly what not to do - in running a family business. It should be required reading for entrepreneurs all over the globe.ABOUT THE AUTHORSASIH SUMARDONO has worked as a journalist since 1986 - for the BBC, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal and the Far Eastern Economic Review. Most of that time has been spent in Asia, covering uprisings in Thailand and Burma, wars in Cambodia, East Timor and Afghanistan.MARK HANUSZ is the author of the critically acclaimed Kretek: The Culture and Heritage of Indonesia's Clove Cigarettes and co-author of A Cup of Java. He is also the founder of Equinox Publishing.

Even less frequently are these stories allowed to be published in a book.Family Business is one of those rare books.

CRM (customer Relationship Management) for the Common Man

The Essential Guide to Designing and Planning a Successful CRM Strategy for Your Business

This book serves as a business-planning tool for any company. It provides practical, real-world advice and guidance for businesses wanting to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. This book does not recommend, compare, or evaluate CRM products, nor does it discuss technical implementations. What?s unique about this book is that it focuses on how to plan for a CRM implementation, rather than just how to do one. This book is designed to meet the needs of businesses who are planning their own CRM strategies and, as a result, improve their revenue results and customer retention. It is also for those professionals in sales management who are involved in their company?s CRM planning so they understand what it takes to engage and train their sales people in this process so they will embrace and use the new systems.

This book does not recommend, compare, or evaluate CRM products, nor does it discuss technical implementations. What?s unique about this book is that it focuses on how to plan for a CRM implementation, rather than just how to do one.

The C.R.M. Pocketbook

Meeting the right customers' needs profitably is busnesses' biggest challenge. With customer choice wider now that it has ever been, not least because of the emergence of the World Wide Web and other new technologies, competition is fiercer and pressure on margins greater than ever. The need to build long-term customer relationships that are profitable is paramount.

Customer relationship management (CRM) seeks to organise a business around its customers. This book describes customer relationship management and explains why businesses are employing it.

A Practical Guide to CRM

Building More Profitable Customer Relationships

CRM technology collects, analyzes, and stores data about customers to optimize not only marketing, sales, and customer service but also back-office operations and new product development. This book explains how to use CRM to integrate all channels of customer contact.

This book explains how to use CRM to integrate all channels of customer contact.

Desarrollo web con PHP 6, Apache y MySQL

PHP, Apache y MySQL son las tres tecnologías de código abierto fundamentales que constituyen la base de la mayoría de los sitios y servidores Web. En este libro se analizan paso a paso cada una de ellas, utilizándolas y combinándolas entre sí, tanto en servidores Windows como Linux. Con este manual le guiaremos en la creación de sitios utilizando el modelo AMP, aprenderá a instalar PHP, Apache y MySQL. También crearemos páginas Web con PHP, incluyendo aspectos de administración y seguridad de bases de datos. Por último, conocerá cómo integrar sus desarrollos en plataformas de comercio electrónico y otras tecnologías. Al diseñar diferentes tipos de sitios Web, progresará en la configuración de sencillas tablas de bases de datos y en el dominio de todo su potencial.

PHP, Apache y MySQL son las tres tecnologías de código abierto fundamentales que constituyen la base de la mayoría de los sitios y servidores Web.

Analisis bisnis real estate

Marketing analysis of real estate business in Indonesia; collection of articles.

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